Saturday, October 20, 2012

No Shortcuts

Read: James 1: 22-25

"They will eat the fruit of their ways and be filled with the fruit of their schemes." - Proverbs 1:31

As we intently respond to the Word of God, we receive freedom to become children of God. God blesses the faithful ones who act upon His Word, in addition to reading and studying it (Galatians 3:26; James 1:22-25). We do not forget what we read or hear, but we go one step further and actually do what the Bible instructs. In these last days prior to Christ’s return, the Word calls us to do God’s work with urgency, while we still find people who want to hear the Gospel.

One day very soon, the night will come when people will no longer endure the Truth (2 Timothy 4:3). We will no longer be allowed to do God’s work (John 9:4). There will be a famine in the land of hearing the Word of God. Therefore, let our hearts take delight in the ways of the Lord now, remove the idols from our life and fully commit our heart to God all the days of our life (2 Chronicles 15:17; 2 Chronicles 17:6)

What is an idol in today’s society? People, pets and activities in our life can become idols, if we prefer to spend time with them instead of doing the work of the Lord and obeying His precepts. If you worship even one idol in your life, and if you are not allowing the Holy Spirit to produce God’s fruit in your life, then please return to God now, walk in mercy and truth, and follow God’s Spirit as He directs your steps (Proverbs 3:3-5; Hosea 12:6). Worship the Lord and serve Him only. Do not pursue the gods of money, independence, success, power, relationships, addictions, etc. (Matthew 4:10).

Hell is a place of punishment for not believing that Jesus is God, and that He came in the flesh in order to save sinners from this eternal damnation. God is light (1 John 1:5) and there is no darkness in Him. Without God as its light, hell is a place of eternal darkness (Jude 13). There is no rest from the torment of hell for the unbeliever (Revelation 14:11). Hell is also a furnace of everlasting anguish in a pit of fire (Revelation 21:8; Matthew 13:42; Matthew 25:41; Mark 9:44-45). The smoke from the fires of torment ascends forever and ever without end (Revelation 14:11). How can hell have both flames and darkness?

It is the same in Hell as it is in a Black Hole in the universe. Black Holes are sections of space where stars collided and attracted other stars by their gravitational pull. A Black Hole is dark, even though it is an incredibly dense and blazing star. This density increases the heat within the Black Hole. Hell is also a black hole full of intense heat that will never end. We do not want our friends, relatives, associates or neighbors to experience this eternal damnation. So, make a point to share with them the hope in Christ that you have within your heart (Hebrews 6:19).

There are no shortcuts to Heaven or to spiritual maturity. It takes a lifetime for us to grow into spiritual adulthood, and for our fruit to fully ripen. The development of Christ-like character takes nurture and time through the sanctifying process. If we do not take up Jesus’ cross and follow after Him, we are not worthy of Him. The person who fights to keep his life will loose it, but the one who willing surrenders and dedicates his/her life to the Lord, will find their life now and also in eternity. Whoever is wise understands these things; whoever is discerning believes them. The ways of the Lord are right, and the righteous will walk in them now and always (Matthew 10:38-39).

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your Word. We delight in reading the Bible and learning more about You, Your precepts and what You desire for us and from us. Thank You for paying the penalty for our sins, for giving us an alternative to hell and for making the way so easy for us. Rise up within our spirit and draw us ever closer to Your heart. Help us to share the Gospel story with others so they too will escape the fires of hell and enjoy Heaven with us for eternity.

Thought for the Day:
When it comes to getting into Heaven, Jesus is the only way.

Thank you, Sarah Patterson, for the use of your photo.