Saturday, April 30, 2022

Indescribably Delicious

Crocus, Flowers, Spring, Plant 


In all the human languages available to us, there is none that can perfectly depict who the Lord God is and what He does. The Greek and Hebrew languages of the Bible do a fairly good job describing God, but His ways are far beyond our human understanding, and His power and wisdom exceed our finite endeavors to define them (Isaiah 55:8-9; 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:16).


He has an eternal nature, inexhaustible power, a perfect holiness, and an inexpressible complexity. Jesus simplified His eternal identity and unity with God by saying, “before Abraham was, I am” (John 8:58). As authentic Believers, we live to praise God with the glory due His name, His nature, and His character (Psalm 149:1). 


His name puts our time on earth into the perspective that we are His and His banner over us is His love (Song of Solomon 2:4). We can add adjectives to better convey who He is and what He does, but they also pale in their attempts to adequately explain how great our Father God is. 


The provision of God for us is dependent on the intensity of His presence within us. His blessings are equal to our faithfulness in obeying His precepts (John 14:15-31). God’s presence in us brings us His faithfulness, power, guidance, comfort, strength, peace, joy, and love (John 14:25-29). 


We gradually grow to relinquish our need to control life – which is as impossible as putting toothpaste back into the tube – and to trust in God’s plans and faithful execution of them in our life (Ephesians 2:10). We live in awe of His presence within and all around us, and His definite purposes for us.


In mindful gratitude for who He is and all He does for us, and with the example of Jesus, God in the flesh, who is also one with our Father, we never cease to sing His praises (John 10:30-36). Yet, God is still an indescribable mystery of Majesty and Sovereign caregiver alike (Isaiah 54:10). He deserves more than our highest regard and deepest affection and submission.



Father God, You described Yourself as “I Am that I Am” (Exodus 3:13-14). Your love disciplines us, Your affection blesses us in our deepest failings, and Your grace unites us as one with Your Trinity (Psalm 63:2-5). We maintain an indescribable awareness of who You are because You transcend every human word and defy all description due to the magnitude of Your character, disposition, and ways (1 John 4:9-11).


We come closer to understanding the extent of Your essence when we personally experience Your interaction in our life, but it is clearly impossible to adequately describe You to anyone else. However, in eternity we shall experience all that You are to the fullest capacity, and we will praise You now and forevermore. You are indescribably delicious (Psalm 34:8).

Thought for the Day:

God is infinite, timeless, compassionate, merciful, larger than life, greater than the highest mountain, the most creative Creator, wider than the hottest desert, more than amazing, sweeter than honey, fiercer than the strongest animal, larger than the tallest tree, and has more depth than the deepest ocean. Through the horrors of life, the joy of the Lord is our strength, His salvation is our hope, and His love is our driving force.

- Psalm 36:5-9 


Friday, April 29, 2022

Eternal Resting Place


Sunflower, Flower, Yellow Flower, Petals 

The concept of an eternal resting place is rather deceptive. When we pass through the portal of life into death, our body goes to the grave for a season, but not for eternity (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). Our spirit and soul immediately go to face the judgment seat of Christ to either receive our rewards as authentic Born Again Believers in Jesus, or the eternal death sentence as unbelievers (Ephesians 2:10; John 3:18).


Death is not final for human beings, but the summation of the choices we made while we were alive. In my long lifetime, I had to put a few pets “to sleep” due to their health issues. Our vets always gave them a sedative prior to the shot that released them from their pain and suffering. I also held them as they left this world, and I told them what a good boy or girl they are, as they went peacefully to their final rest. 


Of course, I had tears coursing down my cheeks and quivering in my voice, but I can only hope that my presence with them helped them in their last moments. One of our younger cats actually woke me up and put her head in my lap as she surprisingly breathed her final breaths before departing this world.


God never sends judgment without first sending adequate warning to everyone to repent (John 5:24). For instance, Noah preached for 120 years as he also built the huge Ark that could hold the animals and people who dwelled on the earth at that time. 


Noah and his extended family are the only ones who complied with God’s advice to get aboard the Ark. They faced ridicule, sarcasm, and taunts from everyone else in their community (1 John 3:13). It is interesting to note that Noah could not open the Ark door once it was closed, because God is the one who shut the door (Genesis 7:16). 



Father God, I look forward to our You holding me in my last moments of this finite life, just as I was able to hold my dear cats as they departed this world. Your Word encourages us that when we pass from our body, our soul and spirit immediately stand in Your presence (2 Corinthians 5:8). We will dwell in a building, which You built for us and is not made with human hands. It is eternal in the heavens (2 Corinthians 5:1). 


Teach us to believe in the power and healing of the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another according to Your primary principles (1 John 3:23, 4:7-8, 12, 20-21). We desire to abide with the understanding that “in You,” all things and people who humbly come to You for salvation through Jesus Christ, are made new (2 Corinthians 5:17; Colossians 1:16-20). We thank You for giving us this opportunity to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and to enjoy Your salvation both now and for eternity.


Thoughts for the Day:

When we hear or read God’s Word, and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we have the promise of eternal life and freedom from eternal death caused by sin and worldly philosophies (Ephesians 2:1, 5). We do not experience judgment for our sins, because Jesus already paid that debt for us. We simply pass from the destruction and death of this world into the glorious life in God’s presence and in His eternal Kingdom.

- John 5:24


Thursday, April 28, 2022

Lover of My Soul - Part 2

 Cosmos, Flower, Wildflower, Plant, Petal


Once I realized that our Father God is our one true Lover of our soul, I learned that I could only accomplish those things, which His Spirit directed me to do (Psalm 94:17-19); so, I laid aside the shackles of codependence. I stopped serving people for their sake. Instead, I served only those for whom God led me to help. 


By spending time with God’s Spirit in every waking moment, I experienced the fullness of God’s love for me. I felt more connected to the entire Trinity of God, and this competence spilled over into everything I did. I started following the Spirit’s direction moment by moment throughout the day. 


I simplified my life by scaling down my physical possessions and the size of my home. I spent more time enjoying what God gave me rather than wanting more. I also started giving myself encouragement for a job well done. I came to a place of meeting my own needs and of waiting on God to direct me each moment of the day. 


A little while later, God introduced me to a Pastor named Kevin as my new husband. We met spontaneously at Books-a-Million bookstore and were immediately drawn to one another. We dated for six months and saw each other every day, except one, during that time. 


After we married, we moved to the Children’s Home ministry in Southwest Florida. A few years later, God opened a door for us to work together as a team in the pastoral ministry in a neighboring church. This switch brought great fulfillment to both of us. 


God took the ashes of our former lives and made something beautiful from them. In this interdependent relationship, I came to understand that 1 John 4:7-13 is a very possible and a highly recommended way for two married people to live. Kevin and I prefer one another, and we spend quality time together. 


We laugh often, cling together when we cry, and serve God together. Kevin taught me that I could trust him with my fears and insecurities. He learned to listen to my words with understanding; so, I no longer felt like I had to use anger to make my needs known. Since we both love God first, we are free to love one another sacrificially as Christ loves us. 



Father God, as we trust only in You, You see us through the devastation of life and bring us out victoriously on the other side. You care for us more deeply than we can ever love one another. You work circumstances out in our life to bring us what we really need. You give us beauty for the ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair (Isaiah 61:3), and new mercies every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). 


You put a new song on our lips (Psalm 96:1), and we will praise You for eternity. Help us to love others, not through humanistic motives, but by the direction of Your Holy Spirit. When we surrender to Your love, we live a fulfilled life. You make us complete in Your Son, Jesus, our Christ (Colossians 2:10), You help us to walk away from our sinful lifestyle, and You convert us from aliens and sojourners in this world to become part of Your family as we belong to Your Kingdom both now and throughout eternity (1 Peter 2:11).


Thought for the Day:

My husband and I still often meet our own needs, but in our marriage, we do more for one another than we do for our self. God lives in us, His love completes us, and is a river of Living Water that flows from within us to all those He brings our way. We overlook each other’s foibles, and we cherish each other’s love and strengths, which make our life complete and complimentary.




Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Lover of My Soul - Part 1

pink-and-white-flowers macro photography


In the past, when I felt empty, alienated, or overwhelmed, instead of listening to what my soul needed and filling that need, I ignored it. Or if I did take the time to listen, I then asked other people to fill that need for me. They reacted to my request as if I placed a heavy, unnatural burden on their lives, which, in reality, it actually was. 


As God brought more and more healing to my soul, I learned that before I start grasping from others, parched as I was for a bit of love and attention, I needed to go to my quiet place and turn to God instead (Psalm 42:2). In this emotional state, I poured out my love to God and trusted Him to care for me. My intimacy with Him grew incrementally with the time I spent communing with Him.


In return, He fulfilled the thirst of my soul (Psalm 42:1-5) and gave me a deep sense of serenity and joy. God either fulfilled that need in me, showed me a simple method to meet my need, or He brought along another person to help me with it. 


At this same time, God also gave me a unwavering personal life. In moving back to my hometown, I found a fulfilling job at the Montessori school, I had my extended family all around me, I made and enjoyed new friends, and I worshipped with a new church family. This change in my life circumstances helped me a great deal.


Through this stability, Jesus also gave me assurance and contentment from within. Therefore, no matter how many negative circumstances encumber my life (Psalm 57:1-3), if God did not show me a way to change them, then I used what I call “The Serenity Principle”, and I started leaving them in His capable hands. 


I grew less dependent upon people for affection and attention because God’s love poured over me like a waterfall, and I learned to nurture my own soul (Psalm 131:2). I also started reading two Psalms every day of the month. Through David’s words, I realized that he was every bit as emotional as I am (Psalm 31:9-10). 


This gave me confidence to communicate my fears and insecurities with people whom I could trust. I knew that with God within me, I could face the future in peace. I found my assurance in His love, and my strength in His joy (Nehemiah 8:10). I looked forward to continuing to live for the Lord during my lifetime, and to eventually enjoying the riches of heaven with Him.



Father God, thank You for these times of intimate focus on Your presence within me. I came to experientially know for myself the love of Christ in His sacrifice for us all, and I was humbled by the import of His death, resurrection, and ascension back to His glory in Heaven. I look forward to Jesus’ soon return for His bride at the end of the “Age of the Gentiles.” 


We are so privileged to have Your Godhead filling our entire being with all Your fullness, and to have the richest measure of Your intimate presence in us as we are transformed by Your Spirit to become a body completely flooded with You. This realization surpasses anything this world has to offer u. Regardless of our trials in our lifetime, Your fullness sustains us now and into eternity (Ephesians 3:16-19, Amplified Bible).


Thoughts for the Day:

God’s Word informs us that we are complete in Christ – in body, soul, and spirit. Through Jesus’ sacrifice on Calvary’s cross, we are redeemed and made blameless to stand before God with confidence and faith. Though our body will go to a grave, our spirit and soul are with Jesus the moment we leave our body behind. Then, when we see Jesus, He will give us an immortal body like His, because we shall be like Him when we shall see Him as He is.

- 1 Thessalonians 5:23; 2 Corinthians 5:8; 1 John 3:2-3


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Total Surrender Brings Peace

Nature, Beach, Sunset, Travel, Dusk


Life is so grand when we choose to live in God’s house and to delight in Him rather than in worldly options. Every day possible, I attempt to let people know the benefits of God’s love, in order to entice them to surrender to Him. However, their pride and rebellion often keep them on the wide road to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14).


They condemn themselves to an eternity in fiery torment by this choice (John 3:18). This makes me weep for them both day and night, as I pray for God to open the eyes of their understanding and to strengthen their inner being so they will choose Jesus' sacrifice as their own (Ephesians 1:18-20, 3:16). They fight the very choice that will benefit them the most.


The best decision we can make in our lifetime is to humble our self, choose to accept Jesus’ sacrifice for us, and to walk away from our disobedience to God’s precepts. The next step is to submit daily to God’s timing and ways, which are always perfectly planned in order to meet our needs (Ephesians 2:10) and to further His Kingdom.


Once we do surrender, we learn to trust in God’s plans for us with our whole heart, to reject our human wisdom and pursuits, and to consult the Lord about every decision we ever make. His plans for us keep us on the straight path of righteousness with fewer obstacles and less reaping of consequences that come from the poor decisions of our own choices (Proverbs 3:5-6).


Submitting to the Lordship of Jesus is hard for broken and wounded people to do. Life’s circumstances conditioned us to rely on our self because we cannot trust anyone else to have our best interests in mind when they make choices and decisions that include us. 


However, considering Jesus submitting to the cross for our sake should prove to us that He is always trustworthy, faithful, and true. Our Father God wants to guide our steps by His Holy Spirit. This is the safest and most secure decision that we can ever make because God knows the end of our life from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10; Psalm 139:16).



Father God, thank You for sending Jesus to pay our sin debt so we can reap the benefits of Your holy decisions. Keep us ever aware that You already recorded in Your diary every event that would ever occur in our life due to Your foreknowledge of our choices. You yearn to take over control for us so we can make wise choices and reap less corruption from the consequences of our selections.


Help us to desire Your purposes for us instead of clinging to our meager aspirations. You have so many more delights planned for us than we could ever imagine (Ephesians 3:20). You handle our issues and inspire our actions with a more positive outcome than we could ever manipulate. Our paths for us leads to eternal suffering. Your paths for us include only good things for our entire life and then into eternity (Jeremiah 29:11; James 1:17-21). Help us to trust You in all things, so we can enjoy the benefits of Your divine destiny for us.


Thoughts for the Day:

Though our good works have no bearing on our eternal salvation, they do produce for us rewards that we can enjoy both now and throughout eternity. Life is as short as a breath of warm air on a cold wintery day, and if we walk in God’s perfect plans for us each moment, we can accomplish His will on the earth rather than our own meager aspirations.

- Ephesians 2:8-9; James 2:14-26

Monday, April 25, 2022

God Guides Us

Blue Flower, Dew, Dewdrops 

When we wait on the Lord, have courage, enter His rest, and walk in His Spirit, His integrity and morality keep us in all our ways and deliver us from all our distress (Psalm 25:21-22). When we honor and consult the Lord, He teaches us His ways and guides us along His chosen path for us (Psalm 25:12).


Even going to the post office, or a quick drive to the grocery store will open a door for a divine appointment in which we can share the gospel of Christ with His chosen individual. He uses us as an honored vessel to witness about His goodness to us, to comfort a grieving heart, or the encourage the downtrodden, regardless of the person’s response to what we say.


The Lord never leaves or forsakes us (Hebrews 13:5), and He watches over us, counsels, instructs, and teaches us continually all through our day (Psalm 32:8). He is kind, forgiving, and lovingly devoted to everyone who waits on Him (Psalm 86:5). 


As we wait on Him before making plans, He will show us whether to turn right or left, and we will continually hear His voice behind us telling us, “This is the way. Walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:12). Our Heavenly Daddy is always good to us, faithful to all generations, and His loving devotion endures forever (Psalm 100:5; Exodus 20:6).


Whole nations and any individual will benefit from His wisdom, joy, and peace as we connect to His presence within us and walk in His paths for us (Micah 4:2). He will even teach people who have not accepted His plan for their salvation because He is patient, and always good (Romans 5:8; Psalm 119:68).



Father God, You are good, and You constantly do good and teach Your ways to those who love You and follow Your precepts (Psalm 119:68). You help us to walk in Your righteous ways and you balance the path of those who walk in Your justice (Isaiah 26:7). As long as we receive Your instruction and hide Your commandments in our heart, You shower us with Your blessings (Proverbs 1:20-23, 2:1-6). 


You regard the humble who turn to You, and You give us Your understanding, which guides us along Your chosen path for us (Proverbs 9:4-6). You are our Rock, and in Your presence within us there is no room for iniquity (Psalm 92:15). Remind those of us who are called by Your name to return to humbling our self before You, to continually consult You in prayer, and to eagerly and hungrily seek Your face. Thank You for always paying attention to us, hearing us, and healing us (2 Chronicles 7:14).


Thoughts for the Day:

God advises us to incessantly live in humility, meekness, patience and to bear with each other’s idiosyncrasies through His love for us and in us, which is ready to spill out to everyone we encounter during our day. This is such a contrast from our normal human reaction of arguing, pride, and selfishness as we do when we are focused primarily on our self. When we consider each person we meet as important, no matter what they look like or how they act, we do it as unto the Lord.

- Ephesians 4:2; Matthew 25:40

Sunday, April 24, 2022

A Good Marriage - A Mature Relationship

 Sunflower, Yellow, Flower, Pollen


A marriage is the perfect place to allow patience to have her perfect work in us (Janes 1:4-8). We remain calm, get all the facts, listen to our mate’s choices regarding his/her decision, and then suggest a solution of our own. If neither one of us feels peace about either decision, then we pray together for God to show us a solution acceptable to both of us.


Under no circumstance is it allowable to tear one another down with disparaging words, to physically inflict harm on the other, or to use cursing and inflammatory actions as a weapon to get our own way. Both partners must make a commitment to change certain behaviors or attitudes that deteriorate our relationship.


Change is necessary to create a pleasant homelife, and this takes courage, time, and patience from both mates. We made a commitment during our wedding vows to love, honor, and support each other in good times and in negative ones. We want to honor those pledges for our lifetime.


We can be the first to show love and grace in any conflict that arises in our marriage. We take the initiative to forgive any slight or negative behavior by always doing good and not fighting or attempting to hurt our mate as we perceive that they hurt us. We sacrifice our time, effort, energy, and attitude to resolve any issues as they arise.


We do not neglect our self, but we forego some initial plans in order to resolve issues rather than to sweep them under the rug to supplant our relationship during some future problem. Genuine love is catching, and it would be a hardened mate that would refuse to respond lovingly in return.



Father God, as we change physically, emotionally, and spiritually over the years, there is a danger of us growing apart or focusing on our personal goals, rather than on plans we make as a couple and family. This is so lethal to our commitment and marital longevity. Teach us to love and sacrifice for one another as Jesus did for all of us (1 Corinthians 16:14).


We want to practice patience toward our mate and to work together through any issues that arise. We never really know the internal conflicts going on in each other’s life unless we commit to communicate freely. Help us to make time and to be vulnerable enough to have an open and honest, but loving and supportive relationship. Help us to pray together and to follow Your will for us as a couple.


Thoughts for the Day:

Love and commitment are not traits that human beings can perfect in our self; therefore, we need God’s Spirit in us to do the sanctifying work in each soul. We make a daily choice to love each other as Christ loves us and laid down His life for us. This allows us to also spread His love to our extended family, our neighbors, our church family, our community, and the world beyond.


Saturday, April 23, 2022

Walking in the Spirit

Bird, Branch, Perched, Feathers


We often get weary in doing good for others, but as we walk in God’s will for our involvement, we shall reap if we do not give up (Galatians 6:9). Our true strength to serve comes to us only through Christ in us (Philippians 4:13), and by following His peace in our spirit. 


When we grudgingly offer to help someone, or we volunteer when it is not God’s will for us at the time, we are simply spinning our wheels. Also, if we serve out of duty, and not out of love for God and others, then we waste our time (1 Corinthians 16:14). Our guiding light is to follow God’s peace in all our thoughts, words, and actions.


This is not impossible, and it does take some concentration and time, but we simply listen with our spiritual ears and hear our spirit’s response regardless of what our soul – our human thoughts, emotions, and choices – is advising us to do. 


Only discerning God’s peace or a lack of His peace in our spirit can guide us perfectly. If we feel total peace in our spirit, even if our soul is reacting negatively, then we go with God’s peace. We gain wisdom, experience, and preferences as we get older, but these aspects cannot decide our course of action for us. 


Jesus already experienced and gained the victory over every circumstance similar to the trials we experience (John 16:33). We can trust Jesus with all our cares because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). We simply humble our self under His mighty hand, and He will bless us in His way and time (1 Peter 5:6).


We wait for God’s will in our life regardless of how long it takes – whether a moment or a quarter of a century (Genesis 17:4, 21:5). We hope in what we do not see with our human understanding, and we trust in God’s goodness and care for us (Romans 8:25). He fights our battles for us, and no one or nothing can ever overcome His peace in our spirit unless we allow it to do so (Romans 8:31).



Father God, Your unconditional love inspires our charity to others and is the perfect bond that keeps us dependent on You (Colossians 3:14). Thank you for delivering us out of bondage from the prince of the power of the air, which even now works in everyone who walks in disobedience to Your precepts. We are so grateful that we are no longer under the rule of the passions of our flesh, or of living as a person deserving Your wrath (Ephesians 2:2-5). We fear no evil as long as we trust in You alone. 


Your rich mercy and great love for us, even while we were still slaves to sin (Romans 5:8), saved us by Your grace and made our spirit alive together with Jesus. We never want to take You for granted or to ignore Your presence within us. We are so glad we walk with You in the present moment, so we do not have to fear that we may forget You until we are in some type of overwhelming situation (1 John 4:9-12). Remind us to pray with thanksgiving in our heart for all You already did for us and for what you do for us each day (Philippians 4:6).


Thoughts for the Day:

Although we have not yet seen God with our physical eyes, we respond to His Spirit that abides within us. We rest in His presence and wait patiently on His timing – resisting the temptation to rush ahead in our human wisdom or because we are jealous of those who seem to have more of His blessings than we do. 

- Psalm 37:7-9

Friday, April 22, 2022

Expecting the Unexpected

Flower, Life, Yellow Flower, Crack


There is an old saying, “If anything can go wrong, it will.” This cautions us that we can expect the unexpected in life. Jesus told us, “In this world, you will have tribulation.” So, we know that things probably will go wrong. Jesus continued to say, “But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Our hope is in Him.


We are usually overwhelmed by many of our trials, but Jesus can successfully settle every one of them for us if we trust Him with our whole heart and soul. He either gives us courage, wisdom, and divine revelation to resolve the problem, or He instructs us to leave them in His capable hands.


He uses these conflicts to build Godly character in us and to further His Kingdom in the earth. We can embrace every negative issue with faith and peace, knowing that the Lord Jesus Christ abides within us with all the power of the triune Godhead. We can look for the seed for a miracle that He plants in our every concern.


This is how we dwell in serenity all the days of our life. It is important for us to understand that God already arranged for a solution for these issues prior to them ever happening. He knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10), and He has a perfect plan for our life (Romans 12:2; Ephesians 2:10).


Jesus within us breaks the chains of every type of satanic or earthly hindrance that attempts to steal our freedom, peace, and joy from us (Psalm 107:14). He encourages us to take His yoke upon us, and to learn of Him; so that we can find His true rest for our soul (Matthew 11:29).



Father God, it grieves us to know that when Jesus lived on the earth, He suffered trials in every area, and had just as many temptations as we do. He came to earth because of our sins; therefore, He suffered because of us. Yet, in each instance, He drew from the strength of His divinity; and in the end, He conquered sin, death, and hell for us all (Revelations 1:18). 


If we do not have Your Spirit within us, we do not belong to You (Romans 8:9-10). However, if Your Spirit abides within us, we are a watered garden with unfailing springs of living water flowing from us (Isaiah 58:11). Thank You that Christ lives in us, and we are united with Him, just as He is one with You (John 14:20). Thank You that we are joined to You and united by Your Spirit, as a branch is connected to a vine (1 Corinthians 6:17; John 15:4-5). 


Thoughts for the Day:

With a dual mindset, which separates our human and spiritual life, we walk alone through life’s disasters, which claim our attention, time, and energy. Once we recognize our union with Christ, however, we experience them all through the power and wisdom of God. He is the supplier of every spiritual blessing, which Christ has for us in heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3). These blessings provide us with everything we need for an abundant life of holiness (2 Peter 1:3-4).

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Trusting in the Lord

 Spring Bird, Bird, Tit, Spring, Blue


In my years in this world, I learned that it is better to trust in the Lord than to trust in people, a paycheck, or job security (Psalm 31:19, 118:7-9). God opens doors for us and provides for our needs. For instance, regardless of who we work for, God is our employer. Our company may fail or downsize and lay us off, but God still provides all that we need as we trust only in Him.


We give thanks to the Lord, for He is always good to us, and His faithful love endures each moment of every day. He is our best source of strength and victory over our circumstance. We will not lack any good thing that we need (Romans 8:28). We live to testify of what the Lord has done for us (Psalm 118:1, 14, 17).


Our greatest asset in life is the presence of the Trinity of God within us. He opens doors for us that no one can close, and He closes doors for us that will be detrimental for our future. He leads us in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake, and He opens gates for us to abide in His continual presence within us.

(Psalm 23:3, 118:19-20).


Our challenge is not to take Him for granted, but to thank Him continually for answering our prayers and giving us the victory. Jesus suffered rejection from His own family and community, but God made Him the chief cornerstone of His building that is made without human hands (Psalm 118:21-22; 2 Corinthians 5:1).


Whenever we experience fear from some source, we can trust in the Lord to care for us because He is always within us (Psalm 56:3, 145:18; Isaiah 43:2; 1 Peter 5:7). When we put our trust in the Lord alone, we experience His loving kindness and guidance both day and night, and He is our strength, our refuge, and our deliverer (Psalm 62:7, 143:8).



Father God, it is amazing to see You using us as living stones to build Your house (1 Peter 2:5-9; Psalm 118:21-23). You answer all our prayers in Your timing and way. We thank You for refusing to grant our requests if they are damaging to our future. We thank You too for each new day which You give to us to serve You on this earth, and we rejoice in praises to Your name as well as to live in joy as we see Your hand on our life (Psalm 118:24).


You bless those who come in Your name, and we bless You for building for us Your house of living stones. You are God and You shine on us through the darkness of this world. We give You the first fruits of the love in our heart, and we praise and exalt You. We give thanks to You for all You do for us and for Your faithful love that endures forever (Psalm 56:4, 118:26-29; Proverbs 16:20). Thank You for providing for us and for those who need Your salvation (Philippians 4:19).


Thoughts for the Day:

Those who put our trust in the Lord experience fewer disappointments in life, and improve our relationships with our spouse, children, friends, and acquaintances because we no longer have expectations of them which they cannot fulfill. We stand firm, even in the most grueling of circumstances, and we never cease from bearing fruit for His Kingdom - just like a tree planted by the rivers full of water.

- Jeremiah 17:7-8; Psalm 37:5-8



Wednesday, April 20, 2022

We Teach Others to Abuse Us

Lotus, Flower, Lotus Flower, Pink Flower 


People will behave toward us in the way in which we teach them to treat us. If we allow others to abuse us - verbally, mentally, or physically - we are inviting more of that same behavior into our future. However, we can develop a habit of using premeditated wording to express our feelings, rather than to use hasty, angry words to verbally attack the offending party.


Prior to coming to Christ for salvation, I felt like I was all alone in the world, and I had to protect myself from abuse and mistreatment. A traumatic event that occurred to me when I was 12 years old, taught me that even people who were supposed to help protect me could not be trusted.


I used excessive anger to protect myself from perceived injustices or to get people to listen and to take me seriously. My anger struck hot and quickly like a volcano, and I left just as many deep scars behind in my wake. 


After conversion and through sanctification, I learned from God’s Spirit that rather than to explode in anger, we can rationally communicate to the other person that what they just did or said is not acceptable to us. However, even after I eliminated profanity from my vocabulary, I still exploded in anger when someone’s words or behavior caused a fearful or insecure reaction in my soul. 


Over years of practice, I learned to stand up for myself without hiding behind fierce anger as protection against what I perceive as an assault or neglect (Ephesians 5:4). God encourages us to live at peace with everyone (Romans 12:18). 


We cannot ever control another person’s actions or responses towards us, but we can put distance between us and an abusive person and to stop tolerating negative behavior from those we associate with on a regular basis. They may not react positively to the change in us, but they will sooner or later get used to it.


Father God, thank You for helping me to put away slander, malice, coarse words, and explosive anger (Ephesians 4:31). The people who elicit these responses in us are not safe. Teach us that when we take a step back and look at their actions from a spiritual frame of mind, we can pray for them, and also about our response to them. Remind us that they need our love, compassion, and patience rather than our animosity toward them.


As we grow spiritually, we learn to follow the direction of Your Holy Spirit and to act rather than to react. We tame our tongue and learn to respond with kindness to their onslaught against us. Thank You for teaching us how to remove our self from abusive situations and to allow You to work through our relationship with that person. We want to help them to heal from their inner wounds which cause their behavior. We trust in You and rely on You to meet all our needs (Psalm 112:7, 118:1-29; Isaiah 12:2;).


Thoughts for the Day:

Boundaries enable us to re-evaluate our relationship with abusive people in our life, and to work through the issues with them if they are willing. Some people see no harm in their words or deeds, and they refuse to join us in counseling to improve our relationship. We cannot force them to change. We can only trust God’s Spirit to sanctify us with the nature of Christ who abides within us. 

- Colossians 1:27

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Give God the Glory

 Oilseed Rape, Field Of Rapeseeds, Field


God’s glory is all around and about us. He deserves the fame and praise for what He accomplishes in and through our life. Often, however, we take the glory from Him by saying things like, “I thought about … and it was successful.” OR “I used my talents and accomplished … for the Lord.” 


When He gets no praise for the thoughts given to us by His Spirit, or that He actually accomplishes in and through our life, He is hesitant about doing more for us. However, when we give praise and glory to Him because He deserves it when good things happen in and through our life, then He continues to pour out more blessings on us. 


God’s glory is evident through many aspects in our world for everyone to observe and to see:  

1.  Creation - Romans 1:20

2.  Eternal Salvation – Titus 2:11-14; 1 Corinthians 5:7; Revelation 13:8; 

3.  The Vast Universe – Psalm 19:1

4.  God’s Love for Everyone – John 3:16-17 

5.  Fulfilled Prophecy from the Old and New Testament – 1 Corinthians 15:1-4


Yet, so many prideful and rebellious people explain away His miracles, calling them a coincidence or self-fulfilling (Romans 1:21-23). Even Jesus’ life on this earth was and still is rejected by people who do not accept His significance, nor the depth of His sacrifice for us. This is a tragedy for each one who rejects Him (John 3:18).


God calls us to give praise to the Lord for His glory and strength in us, and to give the glory to Him that is due to His name. We worship the Lord continually in the beauty of His holiness (Psalm 29:2). Even in the mundane events in our life, we do everything for God’s glory (1 Corinthians 10:31). 



Father God, thank You that Jesus is the brightness of Your glory, the exact image of You, that He holds up the entire universe by the word of His power, that He purged us of sins on Calvary’s cross, and that He rose again to sit at Your right hand in Heaven as our advocate to intercede for us (Hebrews 1:3). You rightly highly exalted Him and gave Him a name that is greater than any other name (Philippians 2:9-11). 


Since we believe in Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins, we are so excited that we will spend eternity in Your glory (Romans 3:23; John 11:40; Isaiah 60:1). All things in this life and the next are created for Him, through Him, and to Him. Therefore, we give Him all the glory due to His name forever and ever (Romans 11:36). Remind us often that You are the only Lord, Savior, and King, and You have no desire to share Your glory with us or anyone else (Isaiah 42:8). 


Thoughts for the Day:

We look forward to the day when the whole earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord instead of the consequences of willful sin (Psalm 72:19). The Old Testament gives an account of a time when the sight of the glory of the Lord was like a devouring fire on top of the mountain (Exodus 24:17). What an amazing sight we have to look forward to when Jesus is the King of all the nations of the world (Revelation 17:14, 19:11-16; 1 Timothy 6:15)