Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A Vapor on a Cold Morning

Our soul is the battleground where Satan tries to trick us into believing His lies. The appetites and desires of our body influence the thoughts, choices and emotions of our soul. The Bible calls our soul our inner man or hidden man. The sanctification process of holiness and perfection takes place in our soul. God’s Spirit sanctifies our thoughts, choices and emotions, and God’s peace gives our soul rest (Psalm 62:5).

In this world, we suffer all types of tribulation in our body and soul. God uses suffering to test our faith, which is worth more than gold. He refines our faith by the fires of trials, because He proves Himself worthy of our faith through each one we experience. He works out all the issues of our trials for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28). This life is filled with praise, glory and honor when Jesus returns for His Bride (1 Peter 1:6-7).

Whatever is within our heart will come out of our soul through suffering, whether good or evil (Matthew 12:34-35). God uses the fire of these trials to perfect us and to build up our faith. God enables us to live by faith in His faithfulness through every negative incident life drags us through. God strengthens our heart and our faith by the trials we overcome through Christ who dwells within us (Romans 12:3).

At times, the trials we experience seems to go on and on forever. However, in the grand scheme of things, they flee like a vapor of breath on a cold morning (1 Peter 5:10; James 4:14). God sees to it that we come out of this wilderness of testing more mature and complete in Christ within us (James 1:4; Colossians 2:10). Our soul is refined and brings forth only good treasure (Matthew 12:35).

Jesus recommended that we speak to the mountain of trials in our life and command them into the sea. We not only talk to our Father about our issues, but we also speak to the issues and command them to resolve in Jesus’ name and by the power of His blood. The words of our mouth bring forth death or life into our world (Proverbs 18:21). When we keep our speech wholesome and pure, we prosper (Philippians 4:8).

Father God, when our words are positive and full of faith in Your faithfulness, then we can flourish in this life, regardless of our trials. We can even speak to demons and they will obey us by Your Spirit and Your Word. However, when the demons flee and the negative circumstances change, we need to build up our most holy faith (Jude 1:20); otherwise, the demons and negative thoughts will return much more deceptively and powerfully than before we commanded them to go in Jesus’ name (Matthew 12:43-45).

Thought for the Day:
Seek the Lord, and His strength, seek His face forevermore; and those same demonic thoughts and desires will never return again. – 1 Chronicles 16:11