Friday, July 4, 2014

God's Divine Life and Love

God is love, and His divine love dwells within every Born Again spirit (1 John 4:8). We do not have to rely on the human emotion of love, but we can rise above the temporal realm and rely on God’s love in us instead (Romans 5:5). His love even flows to those in our life who are less than humanly lovable! God loved that person enough to die for him or her, and His love for them is in us.

As we rest in Christ, His love flows through us even when we are not aware of it. It is deeper than the words we speak and the actions we accomplish. It flows from our heart to theirs. Love is actually one of the fruit of God’s Holy Spirit. Through the power of God through Christ, we love our family, friends and enemies (Matthew 5:44). In fact, we exhibit all of God’s fruit through our fellowship with Christ, who is our Vine.

In many Christians there is a lack of divine power, because we fail to realize the full impact of our connection to the Vine. We work for God, but we do not give God the opportunity to work in and through us (Ephesians 2:10). As we understand our relationship as branches on the Vine of Christ, we enjoy our union with Him and His power in us.

God’s Holy Spirit is the “sap”, which continually motivates, energizes  and directs us. We are fully equiped to bear “much” fruit, because we are rooted and grounded in Christ’s love and faith, and led by God’s Spirit each moment of our day (John 15:8; Romans 8:14; Ephesians 3:17; Colossians 2:7). As we totally surrender our spirit, soul and body to God’s will, He lives His life in us and accomplishes His purposes through us.

Father God, let your Spirit, Your life, Your love flow through us in power and in truth. It is Your divine life that we want to manifest in and through our life to those around us. We want to decrease, so that You may increase (John 3:30). We want to live, move and have our existence immersed in Your divine life and love (Acts 17:28).

Thought for the Day:
We listen with our spiritual inner ear to the direction of God’s Spirit, because He has a purpose for our day that is infinitely more fruitful and fulfilling than anything we could ever plan for our self or even dream is possible.