Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Eternal Outlook

Purple Petal Flowers 

Jesus suffered on earth, just like we do. He knows how we feel, and has compassion for us. When we trust in Him, He also revives our soul - our thoughts, emotions and choices - in its distress (Isaiah 57:15). He never forsakes those who seek Him (Psalm 9:10).

When our ways displease our Father or grieve His Spirit, He disciplines us like a loving father (Isaiah 57:16-17). He pulls out all of the roots of pride, selfishness and self-reliance that prevent us from fully surrendering to Him.

This may take years if the roots of self-centeredness in us are strong and deep. Initially, this pruning is uncomfortable; however, ultimately, it frees us from the encumbrances of the devil, the flesh and the world.

This new spiritual mindset allows us to walk in His abiding love, joy, and gratitude as we accomplish His will for our lives on a daily basis. God heals us, guides us, gives us His peace, and restores comfort to us as we praise Him (Isaiah 57:18-19).

We no longer look to the desires of our body or soul to find fulfillment, although we do not neglect our legitimate needs; however, we delight more in reading His Word and in fellowshipping with His Body instead of fulfilling the flesh.

Living with an eternal perspective gives life effervescence and the sweet smelling perfume of a blooming flower. This lifestyle makes it so much easier to align the desires of our heart according to God’s ultimate plan for our life.

Father God, remind us that true life comes when we totally surrender to Christ. We live with a stronger desire to please You, we love You with all of our heart, and we lean on You for wisdom and guidance throughout the day. We daily die to the desires of our flesh, and we lose our life for Your sake; but then, we find new life through this glorious new intimate union with You (Matthew 10:38-39).

The grief that we experience in this life sends us running back into Your everlasting arms. As we faithfully follow Your precepts, our love for You and trust in You also increases. Simply doing Your will for our individual life each moment of the day brings both You and us so much joy and satisfaction.

Thought for the Day:
God's will is a continual journey, not an ultimate destination; He makes us an instrument of His peace and uses us to inspire others to believe in Him; He gives us His eternal perspective and help when we relinquish to Him the areas of our flesh that bind us to a carnal life.