Sparrows, which are many and of little financial value on this earth, are highly valued by God. He knows when each one is born, and when every little bird dies. Now, we are of even more value to God. He even knows how many hairs are on our head, although many strands grow in and many fall out each and every day (Matthew 10:29-31).
When we love Him with all our strength, mind, will and emotions, and as we live for His will for us, God makes sure that all the issues in our life work out for our eventual good. His Spirit conforms us to the image of Jesus, because He is God’s firstborn Son and we are God’s adopted children (Romans 8:28-29 Ephesians 1:4-5).
God chose us in Christ before He created the world. His plan was for us to live holy lives in Paradise, without sin before Him in love according to His perfect plan for us and for His good pleasure. However, Satan was able to influence the thoughts and actions of our first parents, Adam and Eve.
We inherit their sin at birth and carry it with us throughout our life - unless we confess our personal sins to Him and we accept Jesus’ sacrifice on Calvary’s cross as our own. Then, God’s Spirit shapes us into His royal priesthood and His chosen people, so that we can praise Him for calling us out of the darkness of this world and setting us firmly in His amazing light (1 Peter 2:9).
He never stops working in our life and teaching us to carry out the good works, which He prepared for us to do before we were ever born, so that we would walk in them (Ephesians 2:10). As we cooperate with His plans, we are acceptable in God’s sight, because He desires that everyone will be saved and come to understand His truths (1 Timothy 2:3-4).
Father God, thank You for giving us Your divine power to accomplish Your will for us in life, glory, virtue, and godliness - through the knowledge You provide for us and by Your great and precious promises. We love that the divine nature of Christ replaces the carnal willfulness of our humanity, and that we escape the domination of the perversion of this world caused by sinful desires (2 Peter 1:3-4).
You will never cast us away from You or forsake us (Psalm 94:14). You simply desire that we obey Your voice and keep our commitment to You. You consider us as Your special treasure, and You freely share with us the bounty of this earth, which all belongs to You (Psalm 94:14; Exodus 19:5). Help us to be strong, to resist discouragement, and to have the courage of our convictions, because You are with us wherever we go (Joshua 1:9).
Thought for the Day:
God always goes before us, walks with us and is in us; therefore, we never need to worry about Him leaving or forsaking us, nor do we have to tremble with fear or live with the anxiety that Satan uses to attempt to cause us to grow weary and to give up on life.
- Deuteronomy 31:8