Sunday, June 9, 2013

God, Why Won't You Listen

There are times when we feel that our prayers are falling on deaf ears. We do not see any results from our pleading and we have no answer for our petitions. We feel like God abandoned us in our circumstances (Psalm 22:1). Even when Jesus’ walked in human form on the earth, He offered up prayers and supplication, actually using loud cries and tears when it came to facing Calvary’s cross (Hebrews 5:7). He pleaded with our Father God to remove the torture of Calvary from his future.

Although God called Jesus to go all the way and to endure crucifixion and death for our sakes, God still heard His prayer because of His submission to our Father’s will (Hebrews 5:7). God does not always answer our prayers by supplying our immediate needs. He saw our whole life stretched out before Him before we were ever even born (Psalm 139:16; Jeremiah 1:5). He knows what we really need; and in His mercy He often chooses to ignore those requests that He knows are not part of His plan for our life, because they would harm us in the long run.

Our selfish motives often motivate our prayers. We fail to pray according to God’s will, according to what would please Him and that which complies with His moral fiber and Biblical standards (James 4:3). Therefore, God does not hear these prayers, because they are motivated by sin in our heart (John 9:31; Psalm 66:18; Isaiah 59:2). If we fail to shower each day in the cleansing power of God’s Word, and if we fail to obey His directives for us, this will also hamper our prayers. When we only come to God during times of crisis, our prayers become an abomination to the Lord (Proverbs 28:9).

Unforgiveness is another block to answered prayer (Mark 11:25). When we harbor bitterness and resentment in our heart, this obstructs the answers to our prayers. If we do not forgive, God cannot forgive us (Matthew 6:15). Some husbands even blame their unanswered prayers on their wife, when all along it is the way they treat their wife that is hindering their prayers (1 Peter 3:7). If we live in habitual sin, harbor even one secret sin, or allow anything to consume our thoughts and actions more than God, it becomes an idol, which prevents God from listening to our prayers(Psalm 66:18; Ezekiel 14:2-5).

Ingratitude for God’s provision signals that we do not realize God is already working out His will and purpose for our life. Ungratefulness delays answered prayer. In America, we compare our life to those with more worldly goods than we have and we complain to the Lord for His failure in our life. Take a moment to read about the persecuted church around the world, and then try to complain (1 Thessalonians 518). At times we lack God’s supply simply because we fail to ask Him for what we need, or we ask in unbelief (James 1:6-7, 4:2).

Giving to those less fortunate than we are will open the pathway for God to hear our prayers (Proverbs 21:13). Obedience to God’s will and walking uprightly in this twisted and perverted generation brings us answers to our prayers (1 John 3:22; Psalm 84:11; Philippians 2:15). God delights in answering the prayers of His Saints (1 Corinthians 2:9; Matthew 7:7-8). We have total confidence as Born Again Believers that God hears our prayers (1 John 5:14-16; Psalm 54:2). God often answers our prayers before we even call on His name. While we are in the very process of making our requests, He is already meeting our needs (Isaiah 65:24).

Holy Spirit, convict, instruct and direct us on how to overcome hindrances to our prayers. Remind us to be like the persistent widow and like Jacob who would not let You go until You blessed them (Luke 18:1-8; Genesis 32:26). Help us to examine our heart rather than to hurl accusations against You, when we feel our prayers are left unanswered. Your Word is truth (John 17:17). Help us to cling to You through every adversity in life. Show us how praying with others assures us that Jesus is in our midst as we make our requests known to Him (Matthew 18:19).

Thought for the Day:
It is a fact that no one else can hinder our prayers from being answered. We are the only setback.