Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Secret of a Fulfilled Life


The secret of living a fulfilled life is surrender. Surrendering every thought, goal, ambition and desire to Jesus Christ brings total peace and joy regardless of our circumstances. The only way to successfully and sanely survive at work, or with an unloving spouse, with rebellious children, with handicaps and with the grief of loss is to live in submission to God’s will. He gives us the grace and mercy to endure the hardships accompanying these negative issues of life. Then, once He uses them to bring about His purpose in us and in the world around us, He resolves these issues for us.

As we live in daily submission to the will of God and to the leading of His Spirit, we tread the troubled waters surrounding us without drowning in them (Luke 9:23). The price of contentment is a daily surrender of our dreams and aspirations, as well as acceptance of God’s will and purpose for our life (1 Corinthians 15:31). We live in the realization that our humanity is already dead and our life is hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3). Our old sinful nature died and Christ raised us to walk in a completely new life (Romans 6:4).

As we change our self-centered focus in life to a Christ-centered focus, the present circumstances lose their power over us. Our spirit is reborn and our soul – our mind, choices and emotions – is transformed through the work of God’s Holy Spirit within us (Romans 12:2). We lay our selfish needs for self-gratification, self-pity, self-absorption and self-centeredness on the altar of God. Trials are no longer a burdensome cross to bear. The lure of sin grows dimmer by the day. The battle with temptation in this world dissipates until it is non-existent.

Most of humanity still lives in a narrow minded reality. They cannot see the fullness of life in Christ, because their eyes are blinded (John 12:40). They seek immediate pleasure regardless of the consequences. They consider the brevity of life and decide this is all they get (James 4:14). They seek the most satisfaction by living in the extremes of degrading sin. Conversely, authentic Believers live in submission to the Spirit of God moment by moment throughout the day. When we accept Christ’s sacrifice for our sins, we embark on the journey of the Christian life with our faith and hope centered in Jesus.

God transforms every aspect of our life for us. He gives us new eyes to see the world with multifaceted vision now, rather than in one-dimension. Trials no longer devastate us, because we view them as new adventures in Christ. We stand back and watch for the salvation of our God in them, as we walk through them with His complete peace and joy (James 1:2-4). Nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:35-37). We live by the leading of God’s Holy Spirit and have constant victory through Christ (Galatians 5:16-17; 1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14).

Father God, remind us that the overwhelming issues of life, which we see, are temporary and they will pass away. The reality of life is in the unseen aspects of life, which we cannot see, but which we can experience once our spirit is Born Again (2 Corinthians 4:18). Help us to progress through life’s trials sustained by Your joy (Nehemiah 8:10). Give us Your peace, which transcends all human reasoning (Philippians 4:7). Allow us to focus on the victory, which You already gave us, rather than on the battle at hand. Give us true triumphs as we follow the leading of Your Spirit moment by moment throughout the day.

Thought for the Day:

We not only have hope in Christ for this life, but also for eternity as well. - 1 Corinthians 15:19