Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Viva la Technolongy


Technology improves our human existence in many ways. Among other things, it controls pollution, it keeps us connected all over the world, it controls a car and flies an airplane, it registers the weather and helps us to prepare for it, it gives reviews on information we are interested in, it enhances a surgeon’s ability in the operating room and photographs the inside of our body for medical information, it checks our spelling and it can even research the Bible in an instant.

However, technology can also be an idol in our life. Have you ever noticed that people can no longer sit still? We have electronic devices such as the TV, radio, iPad, iPod, laptops, tablets, smart phones, and the list goes on into infinity. They are always “ON”. We rarely take the time to sit quietly to think or pray. Flashing pictures, text messages and sound waves constantly distract our attention. We have televisions in the kitchen, in the garage and now they are even showing up in the bathroom.

We have several Biblical examples of people who actually walked with God. Enoch walked with God and God took Him home to His house (Genesis 5:22-24). Noah walked with God (Gen 6:9). God walked with the Israelite nation (Exodus 33:14; Leviticus 26:12). The biggest blessing is that God and His Christ make their abode within the heart of anyone who keeps His Word (John 14:23). As we keep His commandments, we dwell in Him, and He dwells in us by His Spirit whom He gives us (1 John 3:24).

I love silence. I spend much of the Night Watch (Psalm 119:148) in silence, listening to the voice of God as He teaches, comforts and inspires me. He pours His love over me like a waterfall and fills my soul with His peace. If I chose to sit in front of the TV or Internet instead, I would miss this wondrous intimacy with my Heavenly Daddy. I can even take this intimacy with me wherever I go, every moment of any day of the week and into any situation. You can too.

Father God, You motivate us to stay in constant fellowship with You and to stand against the temptation to have any idol rule our life. Your presence motivates us and gives us rest. We find favor in Your sight and we are Your people. You distinguish us from all other people, because we belong to You (Exodus 33:14-17; Leviticus 26:12). Thank You for allowing us to be one with You and Your Christ in perfect unity in Your love (John 17:23).

Thought for the Day:
Rejoice, be at peace, be comforted and complete, for the God of love and peace dwells in you. – 2 Corinthians 13:11