Friday, December 13, 2013

Understanding Negative Emotions - Part 3

The power behind many negative emotions is unforgiveness. When we harbor anger toward someone, they retain power over us. When we forgive them, we put them in God’s capable hands to deal with as He sees fit (Romans 12:19; Deuteronomy 32:35). When we go one step further and do something kind and good for the one who harmed us, God uses it to convict their conscience, which often results in a restored relationship (Proverbs 25:22). 

It is the cross of Christ, and His example to us through His behavior on the cross that gives us the power to forgive (Luke 23:34). When we choose not to retaliate (Luke 6:27-34), we make a conscious choice to set that person free from their debt to us. Make a list of each person you cannot forgive and ask the Lord to help you to forgive them one by one. He will bring them to mind and teach you to refocus your thoughts and attitude about each one.

As you pray for them (Matthew 5:44), God changes your heart about the person. He may even give you compassion for the person, when you discover the reasons the person acted toward you as they did. It does not excuse the pain they inflicted on you, but it allows God to convict them and to release you from the effects of bitterness on your life (Hebrews 12:15). Freedom floods your soul and gives you joy that transcends all human reasoning (1 Peter 1:8).

Bitterness prevents us from growing into spiritual maturity; yet forgiveness paves the way for spiritual growth and development. When we realize that someone else has unforgiveness toward us for some word or event that involved us, God calls us to go to them and apologize for our behavior (Matthew 5:23-26). Even if they choose not to forgive us, we have cleared our conscience before the Lord. Now, they are in God’s hands and He will bless us for our efforts to obey His Word (Matthew 6:12).

Father God, thank You for accepting us into the circle of Your beloved family (Ephesians 1:6). Help us to accept those who hurt us, not necessarily as friends, but as people we forgive. You do not release them from the guilt of their behavior until they repent, but we free our self from the bondage, which unforgiveness brings into our life. We readily forgive everyone who used us, abused us, hated us or annoyed us. Help us to love everyone unconditionally and please bring us the freedom that You provide through forgiveness.

Thought for the Day:
Forgive easily and reap the blessings of God.