The cartoon about a man getting his foot stuck in a
bucket, and then walking around with it stuck there, makes me laugh every time
I see it! I can relate to this pitiful figure hobbling along with clanging
steps. Sometimes an encumbrance hinders my spiritual walk, and I ignore it for
so long it becomes a habit. Eventually, I attempt to free my self from this
irritation. I grunt and groan with my effort, until I realize that God is the
only one who can set me free.
Sometimes, God uses what I view as a detriment as a
blessing in disguise. God assures me that when He finishes using this trial in
my life, He will remove the awkward situation. In one cartoon, the man began
crushing stones in his garden with the bucket stuck to his foot. He used this
negative experience for a positive result. God always uses our spiritual
impediments to help us to crush the stones of sin in our life, which would
otherwise cause us to stumble.
When I encounter a hindrance in my life now, I no longer
fight it or get upset about it. I live each day by following the advice of the
Serenity Prayer. I pray for courage to change the things that I can, and the
wisdom to I leave the things, which I cannot change, in the cable hands of the
Holy Spirit. I trust in the Lord with all my heart, and I do not depend on my
own understanding. I seek God’s will for each moment of the day and He directs
my steps (Proverbs
Nothing is impossible or too hard for God to accomplish (Matthew 19:26; Jeremiah
32:17, 27). At His appointed time everything He predicted by His
prophets will come to pass (Genesis 18:14). None of His Words will ever fail (Luke 1:37). He has
the power to fulfill all of His promises (Romans 4:21). His mighty arm is not too
short to reach any of His Saints. He works on our behalf, no matter how much
trouble we get our self into (Numbers 11:23). God is mighty in His strength and firm in His
purpose (Zephaniah
3:17; Numbers 23:19).
Father God, You love us so much. You never change (Malachi 3:6). You are
the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). This gives us so much confidence in You. We even
have faith in Your name (Acts
3:16). You will bring to pass the final exaltation of your Son,
continual provision for Your Saints and the punishment of anyone who practices
wickedness (Philippians
2:9-11; Romans 8:17; Proverbs 11:21). We lift up our voice to worship
You for the awesome benefits You provide for anyone who believes in the name of
Jesus (Psalm 103:2;
Acts 16:31; Job 36:5).
Thought for the Day:
God can do anything, and no one can change any of His
plans. - Job 42:2