Friday, January 10, 2014

Horrible Horoscopes

The Bible states that consulting stars and other occult practices is dangerous for everyone. The Word cautions us not to seek out fortune tellers, mediums, and practitioners of the occult. Most of the horoscope predictions we see are too general to be any specific help to anyone. Millions of people read them every day, and one fortune cannot possibly fit them all. We gain more personal, focused direction from God in prayer
(Deuteronomy 4:19).

The main concern occurs when a professing Christian looks to astrology for advice instead of to God (Isaiah 8:19). God considers this an act of prostitution, and He will set His face against anyone who does it (Leviticus 20:6). He specifically commands that we look to no god other than Him (Exodus 20:3; Leviticus 18:11). Horoscopes also open us up to follow other demonic practices (2 Kigns 21:6). God created the stars and He knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10).

Reading horoscopes just to see what they say is not a harmless practice. If Christians look to astrology first, then they are taking their eyes and trust away from God. You may consider horoscopes and the occult as harmless, but they open the door of our life to Satan and give him permission to inflict his havoc on us (Leviticus 19:31). He also plants his lies in our subconscious mind and we believe them instead of God’s Word.

It is a waste of time to go to fortunetellers and to read horoscopes. They cannot save us from what is going to happen (Isaiah 47:13-14). We have better results when we pray and read the Bible instead of reading our horoscope each day (Daniel 2:27-28). The Holy Spirit leads us in God’s truth and gives us His wisdom and joy and directs our every step (Proverbs 3:5-6). God gave us the heavens to show us the wonders He created and to give us an inkling of what He has in store for us (Psalm 19:1).

Father God, we often lack patience to wait on You for Your direction and provision in our life. We go to Satan and his emissaries and trust in them, because they are flesh and blood. They tell us things, which are true and actually pertain to us, but they do it by the power of the devil. We can only reap destruction for consulting them (Isaiah 47: 10-14). Give us the faith and courage to wait on You and to realize that You do all things wonderfully in Your time (Mark 7:37).

Thought for the Day:
If we wait on God’s timing and trust in Him with our whole heart, He will cause all things to work out for our good. – Romans 8:28