Saturday, October 3, 2015

God's Fullness - His Spirit and Word


Once we fully surrender to the power of God's love within us, we can experience the unimaginable treasure of that love, which surpasses anything we ever experience in our life without God.

This happens as we submit to His Spirit, who will strengthen our soul and spirit with God's glory until He completely sanctifies and transforms our character, nature and personality (2 Peter 1:4; Psalm 51:10; Romans 12:2; Ephesians 4:22-24; Titus 3:5).

Jesus Christ makes His permanent home in our spirit, and we exhibit total faith in His absolute faithfulness. He is always with us and never leaves or forsakes us for any reason (Hebrews 13:5).

We send the roots, of our faith in Him, deep into the soil of His love for us. This firmly establishes us in His Kingdom and strengthens us through every trial we ever experience.

God's love is much more multi-faceted than human love. Our love is self-centered and biased. God's love is sacrificial, unconditional and all encompassing.

He gives us His love to enjoy and to share with those He brings into our life. Living in Christ removes the drudgery of life on this earth and gives us purpose and meaning.

When we live in God's presence, we actually live in the fullest life possible for us on earth, because Jesus is our way, truth and life (John 10:10). We obey His Spirit and His Word.

God's Word is quick and alive and sharper than a two-edged sword, helping us to discern between what comes from our flesh, the world or the devil, and what is God's will for us (Hebrews 4:12; Psalm 119:50).

We stop focusing on the petty concerns of this world and we walk in a new life, embracing God's truth and enjoying the fullest measure of His presence each moment of the day.

Father God, we thank you for flooding our life with the richest measure of Your presence. You comfort, encourage, calm, and instruct us by Your existence in our body, soul and spirit. Remind us to immerse our self in Your Word, to consult Your Spirit, and to walk in Your will every moment of our day (Galatians 5:15-25).

Enlarge our heart by Your presence, Your love and Your Word throughout our lifetime, so that we can view each moment from Your perspective instead of from our narrow human focus. Draw us ever closer to Your heart and make us aware of Your presence abiding within us (Psalm 119:32).

Thought for the Day:
It is God's Spirit, which gives us His new life, and His Word, which are full of His Spirit and abundant life. - John 6:63