When we consider the sower of seed in Jesus' parable, only one-fourth of the seed fell on good ground where it rooted and flourished.
When we realize the reception that Christ received while He
lived on this earth, it puts things into clear perspective. If mankind would
not receive Jesus when they could see Him, far fewer will believe in Him when
they cannot see Him (Romans 10:14-15).
Most humans rely on finite, physical senses and limited
mental powers in analyzing truth. If it does not feel right, then we reject it.
Satan is right there making sure that the things of God make no human sense.
That is why faith is stressed so often in Biblical passages.
The just live by faith and not by sight (Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17; Galatians
3:11; Hebrews 10:38). The unjust live by sight and not by faith. They mock
faith and scorn those of us living by it.
Yet, we have more than blind faith. The Bible declared that
the earth was round long before Columbus ever disproved the common myth that it
was flat. Science is always catching up with the Bible.
Not one archaeological discovery ever disproved God's written
Word, while many historic finds prove the veracity of the Bible. Yet, people
prefer to believe the lies, which Satan continually propagates as truth, rather
than the Truth of God's Word.
Unbelievers choose to trust in science, math and technology
rather than in the reality of Jesus Christ. They believe in theories and
hypothesis - even those with missing links - as if they are facts of truth.
Sadly, only one-fourth of the world's population throughout
the ages will ever believe in Christ and surrender their heart and soul to Him.
Let us continually pray for and share our testimony with anyone who is willing
to listen.
Father God, Jesus Christ generously gave His life to offer the whole world Your promise of everlasting life. It is for all people everywhere with no distinction of color, race, creed, shape, size or intelligence.
Father God, Jesus Christ generously gave His life to offer the whole world Your promise of everlasting life. It is for all people everywhere with no distinction of color, race, creed, shape, size or intelligence.
However, more people reject Your generous offer than receive
it with whole-hearted devotion and thanksgiving. Pride and rebellion have
always run rampant on the earth and self-reliance is the mantra. Give us
opportunities to share Your truth with anyone who is willing to receive it.
Thought for the Day:
Good things are very often the enemy of the best things;
yet, so many people are willing to take second best and base their entire life
on it.