Younger women in today's modern
church are too busy with their feet running to and fro in order to spend much
time in their own homes (Proverbs 7:11). Careers along with raising children
and events such as Girls Night Out is the phenomenon that causes much of this.
The Bible advises the
"older" women to teach the "younger" how to excel as a
keeper at home (Titus 2:4-5). It is definitely a lost art in this contemporary
"Apples of Gold" is a
wondrous ministry promoting this concept (
) Several years ago, the ladies in our church went through this program with
uplifting and lasting results.
The younger women were so
grateful to the older ladies who mentored them - giving them skills and wisdom,
which their moms were never able to share with them for one reason or another.
There is no Biblical precedent
for Girls Nights Out, or Women's Conferences that take up a whole week-end of a
wife and mother's time, as well as eating into the family budget to pay for the
whole event.
Single women often have the time
and financial resources to participate in this type of fellowship with other
singles, but married women can avail themselves of the teaching and ministry of
their local churches.
Books, Videos and CDs also give
us a chance to learn women's related issues on our own or in a local church
class. We can even learn Biblical truth by teaching or assisting in a
children's class.
Fellowshipping as couples, and
even families, promotes strong church ties and deep friendships with spiritual people
in every age group. The best way to learn as a couple is in a class where the
spouses both hear the same information.
This gives us something to
discuss in our private times, opportunities to hold one another accountable for
what we learn, and resources that we can research together to teach us to
deepen our relationship to one another and to Christ within us both.
The Pastor's Bible studies on
Sunday and Wednesday evening are full of Biblical principles for every
Believer's life; yet, so few people avail themselves of this rich and valuable
opportunity to grow in Christ and to mature spiritually.
Father God, Your plan and desire for
women is to love our husband and children, and to make them our priority in our
life. You state in Your Word that we can learn to live self-controlled and pure
lives; so we will not discredit Your reputation by our words and behavior.
Teach us to manage our homes well
and to live as co-heirs with our own husband. Help us to share with him our
opinion, wisdom and leading from Your Spirit, but to ultimately submit to his
decisions for our family. If he is rebellious against Your Word, we can pray
for him to submit to your Word, strengthen our own ties with You, and attempt
to find areas where we can agree as a couple.
Thought for the Day:
There is never a good reason for
divorce, because with mutual submission we can always find a third alternative
with which we can both thrive as individuals, as a couple and as a family; as
keepers at home, we uncover God's fulfilling role for our life.