Saturday, December 15, 2012

Giving God the Glory

“For God is at work within you, helping you want to obey him, and then helping you do what he wants you to do.” - Philippians 2:13 TLB

As Christians, we find it so hard to get rid of the sins that so easily trip us up in our walk with the Lord. Addictions, fears, irritability, temper, bitterness, gossip, etc. plague us day and night. The problem comes when we try to control them in our human effort (Ephesians 2:8-9). If we succeed in overcoming them on our own, by sheer will power, they will eventually come back, or be expressed in some other symptom. Then God gets no glory. However, it is much easier to deal with them, if we surrender to God and let Him replace them with the fruit of His Spirit.

Throughout the ages, all of humanity continues to try to be good enough to earn God’s love. Yet, we will never be good enough. If we could be, we would not need Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. We cannot save our self! We cannot be good enough, because we would have to keep the whole law in order to be perfect (James 2:10). That is also the Good News, however. The words to these songs put the truth in a nutshell, “Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe.” “He paid a debt He did not owe, I owed a debt I could not pay.”

No matter what you need in your life – a mate, a job, a child, a home, a healing, a blessing of any kind – relinquish it totally to God and pray the prayer that never fails, “Father, Thy will be done.” Breathe deeply and release the pent up anxiety about this issue. You have no need to carry any concern about it at all, because God cares about you. He fills our emptiness with His joy and contentment. His presence in our life melts away our fears and insecurities. He fills in the gaps of our unbelief (Mark 9:24). He will give us wisdom and understanding concerning the desires of our heart. Let go of your worries and cares and let God be God. Allow Him to do His work in you, through you and for you.

During the day, when you feel a negative emotion rising in your soul, stop to take a deep breath. Exhale slowly and deliberately. Clear your mind of all the clutter and listen as God’s Spirit speaks to your spirit. Allow His words to cleanse your soul, calm you and energize you to go on with your day as you walk in His rest (Hebrews 4:1). With your faith and courage renewed, you can accomplish everything God planned for you to do. We release our need to depend on human resources and on our own strength, and we let God work out everything for our good, so that He gets all of the glory (Romans 8:28).

Jesus gives us the perfect example of a life fully surrendered to our Heavenly Father. As we surrender to God’s will for our day, He fills our every need, hunger, longing and desire with a soul full of peace and security. He never leaves us, and He will never, ever, under any circumstance forsake us (Hebrews 13:5; 1 Kings 8:57). No matter how unattainable the solution to our problem appears to be, God always has a way. We just have to wait on His timing. He transforms our life from the inside out and cares about every aspect that matters to us.

Father God, You shed your light in the dark places, You make our way straight and smooth (Psalm 4:8, 27:11), You fill the longing of our soul. You give us Your loving kindness, direction, strength and power to accomplish Your will for our day. We never have to worry, because You have everything under Your control. Remind us to let You be God in our life and to stop trying to take Your place!

Thought for the Day:
God will always meet our needs according to His riches in glory. – Philippians 4:19