Monday, March 11, 2013

Intimate Communication


We owe our ability to enjoy an intimate relationship with the Creator of the Universe to the sacrifice made for us by Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 1:9). We were slaves to sin. However, through Christ’s completed work, we are now alive through Him, and He is living His life in us and through us (Galatians 2:20). Even when we fail in the battle against the flesh (Romans 7:16), His forgiveness is only a prayer away. God’s mercy is new for us each morning. With the rising of the sun He faithfully pours out His great love on us all (Lamentations 3:22-23).

Intimate communication with God is hindered by our sins (1 John 1:6; Habakkuk 1:13). It breaks our fellowship with God, which is only restored through repentance (2 Peter 3:9). Our relationship to one another can also obstruct our fellowship with God. If we forgive one another, then God can forgive us; however, if we refuse to forgive, our Father cannot forgive us either (Matthew 6:14-15, 18:35). This definitely hinders our companionship with the Trinity.

God’s mercy is no excuse for deliberate sin (1 John 3:9). Our lawless behavior breaks His heart (Genesis 6:5-6; James 4:17). Even so, He faithfully forgives our transgressions throughout our lifetime (1John 1:9). Even the mundane parts of our life, such as what we eat or drink, affect our relationship with God. Everything we do and say as self-proclaimed Christians is a reflection on God’s glory (1 Corinthians 10:31). That limits our choices quit a bit, but still gives us plenty of wholesome options to enjoy. Biblical Truth slowly replaces our former belief systems and we act accordingly.

God is just, but He is also merciful. The universe and each inhabitant of it continue to survive due to the endless grace of God (1 Corinthians 15:10). There will come a terrible day of His wrath, however, and the wise will pay attention and repent (Revelation 14:10). As we study God’s Word and spend time with Him in intimate communion, our understanding of spiritual concepts grows (James 4:8; Proverbs 2:3-5). We are less encumbered by negative attitudes and emotions, and the peace and joy of the Spirit fill our soul to overflowing.

As we learn to reverence the Lord, He gives us His wisdom and knowledge on which to base our decisions (Proverbs 1:7). Since the Holy Spirit conforms us into the image of Christ, our sin nature diminishes more each day (Galatians 5:16, 25). We are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). Our old carnal, sinful, hell-bent character is slowly replaced by the dependence and trust of a child of God (2 Corinthians 5:17). God knows each of us so intimately that He numbers the hairs on each individual head (Matthew 10:30). Our intimacy with God is a privilege to enjoy and cherish.

Apart from God we are basically useless (John 15:5). However, if we walk in the light of His truth, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with God and with one another, because the blood of Jesus purifies us from all of our sins (1 John 1:7). God seals us with His mark of ownership (2 Corinthians 1:21-22). We are not our own, because Jesus bought us with the price of His crucifixion (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Our union with Him is unconditional and guaranteed (Ephesians 1:13-14: Romans 8:38-39).

Father God, confessing our sin is similar to apologizing to those friends and family members whom we offend. Yet, for human beings, this is one of the hardest choices to make. Apologizing takes great humility. Our pride stands in our way and limits our obedience to Your directives. Help us to humble our self under Your mighty hand (1 Peter 5:6). As far as it depends on us, help us to live in peace with everyone (Romans 12:18). Keep us as the apple of Your eye and draw us ever closer to Your heart (Psalm 17:8, 34:18).

Thought for the Day:
God’s unfailing love is a priceless treasure. - Psalm 36:7