Saturday, October 19, 2013

True Happiness

There is not a person on earth that does not crave happiness. We explore many different venues to provide us with happiness, only to find that they are ultimately empty shells of promise. We change our circumstances often, trying to find happiness. We blame our unhappiness on the people, places and things in our life. Then, we eventually turn to addictions in an attempt to fill our needs, or to anesthetize the pain of not finding it.

In this materialistic world, we believe the commercials, soap operas and sitcoms. We endeavor to recreate what we see there. We desire instant gratification and we do not want to work for success. We lack self-control and we want everything handed to us. Eventually, we end up crushed, disillusioned, hopeless and depressed. Our body and soul are sick and we wallow in self-pity and misery.

What is true happiness and where does it come from? True happiness cannot be bought, traded, measured or obtained in this world. True happiness is found only in Jesus Christ. He teaches us contentment and He provides for all of our needs. He gives us victory in the spiritual warfare that pervades our life on this earth (Ephesians 6:10-20). He gives us His glorious joy, which defies human logic (1 Peter 1:7-9; Acts 2:28).

Our happiness has its foundation in our salvation (Luke 10:20). Even in times of mourning, He turns our sorrow to joy (John 16:20; Psalm 51:12). The more we put our trust in God, the happier our life becomes (Psalm 32:21). As our heart trusts only in Him, we are secure in Christ as our strength, protection and provision. He helps us to succeed, and this fills our heart with songs of joyous praise (Psalm 28:7). The more we seek Him, the more our heart rejoices (Psalm 105:3).

God’s Words in the Bible also give us peace in this world of unrest. Jesus already overcame the world, and He lives in us; therefore we can live with cheerful optimism (Colossians 1:27; John 16:33). We are happy when we follow God’s will for our life and obey His precepts (Psalm 94:12). As we trust Him to work out all things, even the negative aspects of life, for our good, we find true and abundant happiness (Proverbs 16:20; Romans 8:28).

Lord Jesus, thank You for coming to earth as a man to save me from my sinful lifestyle. Teach me to know You (John 17:3). Bring me into a right relationship with You (Psalm 51:10). Forgive me for all of my faults and failures (James 5:16). Birth Your nature in me (2 Peter 1:4). I believe in You and I want to live my life for You (Acts 16:31). When I am afraid to give control of my life over to you, teach me to trust in Your faithfulness (Jeremiah 29:11). I want to believe in You, but please assure me and rid me of my doubts (Mark 9:24). Lead me into a deeper union with You throughout the rest of my life (1 Corinthians 6:17).

Thought for the Day:
Happiness does not depend on material possessions, circumstances or relationships, because it only comes from our deep union with Jesus Christ. – John 17:22