Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Love of God


The intense love of God burns like a fire deep in our soul, warming us as we travel through this cold world of sin and degradation. Christ died so that we may possess this everlasting love (Romans 6:23). We are precious to Him and we bring Him delight by our obedience (John 14:15). Everything God gave to His firstborn Son, Jesus, He shares with us, His adopted sons. Jesus sacrificed His throne and crown for us, and He did not reserve His life or blood, but gave His all for us.

Only as we completely surrender our life to Him in return, will we come into perfect union with Christ within us.  We totally submit to the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit. We live according to God’s divine will for our life (Ephesians 2:10), and find our fulfillment in our union with Christ. We seek only the will of God in our thoughts, words and deeds, so that He might be glorified in us, just as He was in Jesus (John 14:13). We completely dwell in His love (John 10:17).

We come to the day where we stop offending God with our sinful desires, because the Spirit sanctifies us from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18). He gives us discernment and His Word, so that we can ascertain what will bring God glory. His righteousness pervades our life to the extent that we surrender our sinfulness to Him. We live in harmony with Christ in us through the anointing of His name. Our prayers are centered in Jesus’ name and our life is lived in the power of His name.

Our union also provides us with faith to believe in His faithfulness. We live in unreserved obedience to the Father (1 John 3:22). We pray with confidence in our intimate union with Christ. We sit silently in His presence, knowing that He knows what we need before we even speak it (Matthew 6:8). An abiding life of faith in Christ alone provides power to our prayers (John 15:9). We wait at His feet for Him to provide all of our needs according to His glorious riches (Philippians 4:19; James 4:3).

Jesus shares with us His life, His inheritance, His righteousness and His Spirit. He keeps nothing from us, but freely gives us all things (Romans 8:32). His love is an example of the Father’s love for us as well. Our sinful state magnifies the beauty of His sacrificial love, and His compassion changes us from the inside out. God is love and we abide in His love through His Son (1 John 4:8). As we completely yield our life to His will, we reap the abundance He died to provide for us.

Father God, help us to find the eternal dwelling place provided for us by Your love (Deuteronomy 33:27). Our soul finds its peace in the shadow of Your wings (Psalm 91:4). Cause us to hear Thy loving kindness each morning, for in You we place our trust. Fill us to the brim with Your Spirit, and cause us to know Your will for each moment of our life (Psalm 143:8). We want to abide in Your presence and in the fullness of Your joy (Psalm 16:11).

Thought for the Day:
God’s everlasting love promises us eternal blessings. – Psalm 21:6