Thursday, October 3, 2013

Which Life Do You Choose?


Even as Born Again Believers, we do not always walk in the fullness of the Spirit of God who dwells within us. We are so full of our own dreams, goals and desires that we block out what the Spirit wants for our life (Matthew 23:27). We live empty lives, never satisfied and always wanting more worldly possession, a better job or more money; no matter what we have to sacrifice to get it! Our focus is on the carnal, material aspects of life. We are also spiritual babes, still feeding on the milk of the Word (1 Corinthians 3:2). 

Some Born Again Believers live with a strict adherence to the Law of God. They add restrictions to the Law like the Pharisees, and they keep Christians in bondage to dead works. The law keeps us from enjoying a relationship with God Himself, because we are too busy working to please Him. We find our self separated from God by a chasm of physical, mental and emotional exertion. We run our self ragged all day long and fall exhausted into bed every night, too tired to sleep.

God calls us to come out of the realm of works and the law and to rest in Him (Hebrews 4:10). He tells us to “be still” and to realize the immense meaning of the fact that “He is God” (Psalm 46:10). He is actually in control of all things, orchestrating life from creation to Armageddon. He will lead our individual life as we sit at His feet and worship Him above all else. You may say, “I worship no other god.” However, anything that takes your time, energy and love away from God is an idol; so in reality, we are worshipping other gods.

Until we realize our union with Christ in us, we live with a separated mindset. We live independently from His Spirit, because we rely on our own abilities and talents. We view God way up on His throne in heaven, while we are down here struggling to find success in life before we die. Satan does everything in his power to propagate these lies, so we will not live for God. We all come to the place in our life, however, where God calls us out of the world to serve Him. Many of us reject His call with a string of excuses a mile long.

The Spirit continually calls on us from within to lay our life down and to live for Jesus. We constantly reject this call, or put it off until another day. Some put off our service to Him until we retire. Then we are so tired and busy with our grandkids that we continue to put Him off. Our focus is on our self rather than on God’s Kingdom. We forget that our family, our vocation, our neighborhood and our hobbies are our mission field for the Lord. We do what we please regardless of the needs around us.

Father God, purge our soul of every ungodly thought that is from the flesh and the devil. Lead us into Your truth and cause us to walk only in Your ways. Reveal Yourself to us on an ever-deepening level until we know You intimately (John 17:3). Help us to come to the place where You are our every thought, and that our every word and action are directed by Your Spirit within us. Our goal is to no longer depend on our intellectual understanding of You, but to enter into the spiritual realm, and love You with our whole heart and lives. We want to follow Your Spirit moment by moment throughout our day.

Thought for the Day:
The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus sets us free from the law of sin and death, which motivated us prior to our Salvation. – Romans 8:2