Monday, March 3, 2014

Creator God

People today dispute the fact that God is the creator of heaven and earth; yet, even back in Job’s day, they knew who got the credit. God made the Bear and Orion, Pleiades and all the constellations and galaxies in the universe (Job 9:9-10). In fact, His Creation is so wonderful that we are even now continually discovering new truth about it. Scientists recently documented that stars sing. Louie Giglio has several videos that you can Google!

Why God would condescend to give attention to rebellious mankind is the mystery of the ages. We are lower in stature than angels; yet, He cares for us. He even became one of us, and suffered everything we face in life (Hebrews 4:15). God crowned Jesus with glory and honor, after His ascension, and gave Him the rule over the works of His hands, putting everything and everyone in submission to Him (Psalm 8:3-6). God is amazing and beyond our comprehension (Job 36:26).

God reigns forever. His throne is established and He will judge the world and govern us with justice for eternity (Psalm 9:7-10). God is our great Lord and King, mighty in power and infinite in His wisdom (Psalm 147:5). We have no need to put our trust in mere mortals, because they cannot save us. They pass into eternity just like we do, becoming dust with a departed spirit and soul. There is no one like God. We can always trust in His faithfulness.

Blessed is the person who does not hang out with the wicked, join in with the exploits of sinners, or confirm the misconceptions of the mocker. Instead, we delight is in God's precepts and we meditate on His Word day and night. God makes us as secure as a tree planted by streams of water, so that our ministry will not falter, and whatever we do for Him will prosper. We even yield the fruit of His Spirit as we mature in our walk with Him (Psalm 1:1-3).

Father God, if we hope in You, who made the heaven and earth, You will protect the oppressed, feed the hungry, set prisoners free, give sight to the blind, lift the depressed and love the righteous among us (Psalm 146:3-8). Honoring You provides us with knowledge, wisdom and understanding. We prove our humility through our submission to You and You honor us for it (Proverbs 9:10, 15:33). You are our shield as we walk in integrity, and You guard us in the paths of justice. You always protect Your Saints (Proverbs 2:7-8).

Thought for the Day:
God stores up the answer to His secrets and shares them only with those who completely surrender their life to Him. - Proverbs 2:6