Friday, March 28, 2014

The Bondage of Satan's Lies

Satan stealthily infiltrates every area of our life from the time of our birth. He feeds us his lies; and we gradually believe them, until they actually sound like wisdom. They cause us to deny God’s truth and call it the lie. We are so used to Satan’s fabrication, it starts to feel right and true to us. We buy into his scams and yield to his subtle manipulation. We have no idea how ridiculous we sound when we profess his propaganda and defend his deception.

Even many in the evangelical church toy with Satan’s fraud. They compromise their faith in Christ by walking on the fence between righteousness and sin. They soothe their conscience by making excuses for their behavior and accusing well-meaning brethren of judging them. They decide that they are too busy between work and hobbies to give much time to God. Their whole focus is on work, fun and relaxation.

Some people battle voices in their head, as well as heavy condemnation for their carnal behavior and lack of spiritual dedication. They fear they are mentally disturbed or are having an emotional breakdown. They have no moral fiber or physical stamina. They do not comprehend the spiritual battle for their soul going on in and around them. Their discernment is lacking and they see church as nothing more than a duty to perform for an hour a week.

They live under the heavy weight of temptation, compromise and sinful thoughts and behaviors. They neglect Bible devotion and use every excuse not to assemble with God’s Saints. Their prayers hit the ceiling and bounce back, mocking their lack of spirituality until they abandon communication with God. Some also have rocky interpersonal relationships with their family and peers. They even reap from the sin they sow, so something horrible happens to them (John 5:14).

Father God, you call each person alive to consistently abide in Christ. You give us all the opportunity to live a Spirit-filled, Spirit-led life and to have the discernment to walk free of Satan’s deception. Your Christ in us bears much fruit in and through our lives. He frees us from the negative fruit of a life dedicated to Satan. You deliver us from fear, depression, anger, bitterness, anxiety, loneliness, addictions, disorders and other results of sin, which dictate our thoughts and behavior. We are indeed free in Christ (John 8:36).

Thought for the Day:
God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.
– 1 John 1:5