Saturday, March 15, 2014

Living to the Praise of His Name

When we praise God, the angels, all of nature on this earth, as well as all of the heavenly bodies, join us in praising His name. They know that God spoke a word and created them. All of God’s creation praises Him. If human beings fail to praise Him, the rocks will cry out in praise in our place (Luke 19:40). God forbid! We have so much to praise God for, to speak of His unending glory and power until everyone we know, knows about God’s mighty deeds and glorious Kingdom.

Yet, we humans are too smart for our own good. We take credit for all that we have, and deny God’s existence in our thoughts, words and deeds (Psalm 148:1-6). Yet, we blossom when we trust in the Lord, rather than in our understanding. As we seek Him before we do anything, He will show us what to do and where to go (Proverbs 3:5:7). His dominion over the earth is from everlasting to everlasting (Psalm 145:10-13); yet, He freely gives us His loving kindness every day of our life.

God is our fortress, our tower and our shield. He delivers the humble when we take refuge in Him (Psalm 144:2; 147:6). Apart from Jesus we can do nothing (John 15:5). However, when we believe in, hope in and trust in Jesus, we are more than conquerors over the flesh, the devil and world (Romans 8:37). We live in His presence with contentment and joy. We mirror His image to the world around us, and He gives us victory and hope all the days of our life.

God no longer sees our life of sin, but only the righteousness of Christ in us. We trust in Jesus, who is the Word of Truth and the Gospel of our Salvation. We trust only in Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit as God’s deposit, which guarantees our eternal inheritance. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise, and are God’s personal possession. We daily use our body, soul and spirit for the glory of His name (Ephesians 1: 13-14).
Father God, Satan has no more authority or influence over our thoughts, words or deeds. The blood of Your Lamb redeemed us and set us free (1 Peter 1:19; John 8:36). We have a multitude of reasons to praise You. It will take a lifetime to express to You the love, peace and joy You give to us. We live each moment of our life with Your praises on our lips; and we tell everyone who will listen that You love us so much that, even while we were still sinners, you died for us (Romans 5:6-8).

Thought for the Day:
Let us live to the praise and the glory of God’s name. – Psalm 66:2