Thursday, June 12, 2014

God's Abiding Presence

Good and evil do not determine whether we go to Heaven or hell. Belief and unbelief are the key issues in our eternal destination. Those who refuse to believe in Jesus Christ, as God who came in the flesh to secure our salvation, condemn themselves (John 3:18). God prefers that everyone come to faith in Christ; however, He knows that many will refuse His love.

Unbelievers suffer the wrath of God as a result of their choice not to believe (Acts 17:30-31). Pride and rebellion keep them from totally surrendering their life to Christ. They prefer to serve the devil or their self rather than God (Ephesians 2:1-3; John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11). Some even live a religious life, attempting to be good and to do good by their own human efforts, looking to their own self-efforts to save them.

There is obviously a Satanic lie fueling their behavior, because he makes them feel safe in rejecting God. It is a Believer’s responsibility and privilege to reveal the Kingdom of God to anyone who will listen, to help to draw them out of the kingdom of darkness and to share with them the truth of the gospel of Christ (Romans 10:14-15).

We desire, as God does, that no one shall perish in eternal damnation and to see all people everywhere saved (2 Peter 3:9). Jesus steals us back from the kingdom of darkness, which once captivated our mind (2 Timothy 2:24-26). He reveals His truth to us that He is all and in all, and that all things belong to Him (Ephesians 4:6; Psalm 24:1). Then, in the sanctification process, Christ is fully formed in us (Galatians 4:19).

Christ’s elect bride is all around us, some know of His place in their life and some are still resisting His invitation to come to Him. It is only when we live, move and have our being in Christ that we live a fulfilled and productive life (Acts 17:28). As Believers, the divine life of Christ is ensconced in our mortal bodies, giving life to us in spirit, soul and body.

This keeps us from taking any credit for what God’s power does in and through us. This world often beats us up, confuses and terrorizes us, but we are not disheartened, because God lives in us by faith in Christ through His Spirit. Because of God’s abiding presence within us, we cannot help but to broadcast the news of God’s love to everyone who will listen (2  Corinthians 4:7-15).

Father God, Your gospel turns family members into enemies (Matthew 10:34-36). This should not be so. Yet, due to rebellion and pride, many of our family will reject the gospel message and us as well. However, we never know what is going on the heart of that loved one to cause them to react to You and to us as they do (Psalm 19:9). You are the only one capable of judging a heart. Draw our loved ones ever closer to Your heart.

Thought for the Day:
Our faith in Christ gives us the victory to overcome the world. – 1 John 5:4