Monday, August 11, 2014

A Hopeful Existence

There are many facets of this life, which rob us of every positive emotion known to man (2 Corinthians 4:8). Circumstances buffet us and beat us up until we have no emotional energy left; and, sometimes, not even any physical stamina to put one foot in front of the other (2 Peter 2:9). We lose our optimism, feel hopeless and grow bitter and cynical.

We draw within our self and push other people away (Isaiah 41: 10, 13-14). We lose all hope of a better life and we have a hard time getting out of bed. Our soul - our mind, will and emotions - often deflates with worry, doubt and pessimism. Our negative self-talk beats us up. Our heart is disturbed and we see no solution to our problems.

Total surrender to God is the key to making sense of our circumstances. Relinquishing our self, our family and our future to God, and putting our worries in God's capable hands, is the only way to keep sane (2 Corinthians 9:8). God only gives us grace for today. Tomorrow's grace will not come until tomorrow.

The only resolution for hopelessness is to keep our hope in the Lord (Psalm 43:5). As we walk in obedience to His Spirit, moment-by-moment throughout the day, we find more fulfillment than we ever thought possible. Our soul finds rest only in God (Psalm 62:5). As long as we are still breathing, there is hope for our situation (Ecclesiastes 9:4).

If we dictate our plans and goals to God, He remains silent; but if we relinquish our future to His will, everything is possible (Mark 9:23). We take our eyes off our self and put them on Him. With our faith in God's faithfulness, He keeps us in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3).

Father God, You care about us and draw very close to those who are defeated and heart broken (Psalm 34:18; Isaiah 53:4). You not only binds up our wounds, by nursing us back to physical, emotional and spiritual health, but You also heal us by repairing the situation, which caused the injury in the first place (Psalm 147:3). We put our hope only in You and You lead us through life one step at a time (Matthew 6:31-34; Psalm 39:7).

Thought for the Day:
Our Lord is our Helper, so we have no need to fear what mere mortals can do to us. We cry out to Him in our distress and pray to Him for help, and He hears us from His sanctuary; our prayers reach His ears. - Psalm 18:8