Sunday, August 10, 2014

Our Death on Calvary's Cross

I find it difficult to surrender my humanity so totally to Christ that it dies. This concept is very appealing to me, because I want to die in a practical sense to my self and the flesh. Sin infects every area of our life and we reap destruction from the seeds we sow. Repenting of our sins frees us from this vicious cycle and sets us free in Christ.

The first area to nail to the cross is trusting in our human mind and talents. Otherwise, we use secular wisdom to decide truth and this sets us on the wrong path for life. Next we die to our inordinate affections for things of this world that do not pertain to life and godliness (Colossians 3:5; 2 Peter 1:3). The pride of life, the lusts of the eye and the lusts of the flesh all expire little by little (1 John 2:16).

Jesus carries us through this dying process so there is no fear (Hebrews 2:15). We entrust our soul to His safe keeping, and reap sweet fellowship with our Savior and Lord. Our continuous union with Christ transports us to the spiritual realm where He lives. We lay down our humanity on the altar, and God raises us to walk in a new life (Romans 6:4).

As we surrender, the Spirit of God sanctifies us and leads us into God’s Kingdom. When we long for a more intimate relationship with King Jesus, we feel His presence in our spirit, sense His touch in our soul and see His healing or His grace to deal with an illness in our body. His love pours over us like a continual waterfall. We have instant access to the throne of God at any time (Ephesians 3:12).

Father God as we loose the ties that bind us to this earth, we are free to fly into the heavenly realm with You. We soar in the Spirit with eagles’ wings and we touch the hem of Jesus’ garment and are healed in spirit, soul and body (Matthew 9:20-21). We willingly submit our flesh to death on the cross with Christ, so that He can live in and through us each moment of the day (Galatians 2:20). Help us to relinquish our hold on this world and to trust You with our every need.

Thought for the Day:
It is time to relinquish any worldly idols, which keep us from intimacy in our union with God.