Saturday, August 30, 2014

Amazingly Made


God knows everything about each of us. We were not hidden from His sight, even when we were formed in the dark, secret place of our mother's womb. 

He knitted our bones and organs together in the depths of the earth. Before we were ever born, He designed all of our days and kept a record of each one of them in His Book.

The Lord God interlaced all of the intricate parts of our spirit, soul and body in our mother's womb. From the hairs on our head to our complex inner organs, He created us all as unique individuals.

We are awesomely and amazingly made. Our individual cells, our DNA, our internal organs and even the correct mix of chemicals, which keep us alive, work together so perfectly.

He knows us intimately. Even as we stand up, sit down, leave and go to sleep, He distinguishes every detail of our life. He recognizes all of our habits. 

He perceives our current, as well as our future thoughts and words. He puts boundaries around us and guides us with His hand. There is no place to go to escape from His Spirit.

We cannot run from God. He is in the heavens, the depths of the distant seas, and in the early morning clouds. His hand is right there directing our steps. 

His light shines like the day even in the darkest times of trial. He loves us with an eternal love, which never ends (Lamentations 3:22). He is merciful even to the wicked, who misjudge Him and use His name in vain (Psalm 139:1-24).

Father God, we thank You for the vastness of Your wisdom that is more numerous than the sands of the sea. You are with us during each new day and Your mercy is new every single morning (Lamentations 3:23). 

Investigate our motives and discern the intentions of our soul. Analyze us and point out the areas where Satan can tempt us. See if there are any sinful tendencies in us and direct us in Your eternal ways.

Thought of the Day:
For authentic Born Again Believers, God brings to light the mysteries, which He hid from the time He created all things. 
- Ephesians 3:9