Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Roller Coaster Life

A life immersed in and dependent upon this world, often produces intense fear, anger and depression, which plague our days. When our peace is dependent on our circumstances, we live a roller coaster life filled with anxiety, insecurity and stress. However, when we depend on God, and walk in His will, He fills us with His peace, joy and love, regardless of our circumstances (Romans 8:31-39).

As we depend upon God's grace through our difficult circumstances, people see God's faithfulness in our life. We show them that He is trustworthy, and this gives them the opportunity to respond to His grace in their life. When we rely on God through our trials and the pressures of our daily life, we are an example of an authentic Believer to new Believers, as well as to the unsaved.

When we seek God's Kingdom first, He supplies us with everything we need: from employment to retirement, for singleness and a fulfilling career or for a marriage partner and a home in which to raise our family (Matthew 6:33). Even through rejection, dejection, opposition and persecution, the Lord delivers us from all of our troubles (Psalm 34:19). 

God's love never fails to prevent us from drowning in our daily concerns. Every morning His mercy comes to us in a fresh, new way. His faithfulness to those who hope in Him brings us only good. We wait patiently for Him and His salvation as we hope in His eternal promises (Lamentations 3:22-26). God is good all the time.

Father God, we often take Your goodness for granted. We overlook the myriad of blessings You provide for us all throughout our day. However, if we do pay attention, we can find the thread of Your provision and loving kindness woven throughout every aspect of our life. The only time You answer our prayers with a "No" is when our request will harm us. You always work out everything for our good (Romans 8:28).

Thought for the Day:
We can trust God with our circumstances rather than trying to work them out in our human effort.