Friday, November 28, 2014

Internal Investigation

Most people fly through life without any consideration of what is affecting their body, thoughts and feelings. One way to change this negligent behavior is to pay closer attention to them. If we write down the thoughts occupying our mind, the pains in our body and any negative emotions we experience, they reveal secrets to us.

How does your body feel? What is your soul experiencing? What is your spiritual temperature, hot or cold or...lukewarm? (Revelation 3:16) Performing a thorough internal investigation of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state permits us to pray about what to do about them.

Negative emotions are always a signal that something deeper is the culprit. Our physical health even affects our thoughts and emotions, and vice versa. When we analyze the conversations going on in our head among our various ego states, then we can decide what is bothering us and hear the Holy Spirit's direction on what to do to resolve the problems.

We have the choice to play the role of victim and to concede to our spiritual, physical or emotional ailments; to fight how we feel; to ignore the red flags raised in our soul; or to follow the advice of the Serenity Prayer and change or surrender to God the issues distressing us.

There is no way to change another person's mind or actions without his or her consent; so, prayer and God's Word allow us to gain God's wisdom and perspective on our concerns. This is the only way to survive in this world. If God does not show us how to change our circumstances, then we ask Him to help us; and He always does.

Father God, remind us that as we put our cares in Your capable hands, that You will deal with them or show us what to do about them, because You truly care about us (1 Peter 5:7). You give us Your joy as our strength, even in the most negative of circumstances. Some issues are our responsibility, and some are beyond our control. We praise You for, in and through every aspect of our life. Thank You for showering us with Your serenity and joy, and for working out everything for our good (Romans 8:28).

Thought for the Day:
Changing our focus about our issues will bring us unimaginable and glorious freedom from our circumstances, even if they never change; as well as joy in spite of them.