Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Freedom from Perfectionism

Being perfected into the image of God is certainly Biblical (Matthew 5:48, 19:21). However, the tendency toward human perfectionism in our daily life is fueled by a demon. Perfectionism drives us and everyone around us to perform obsessive and irrational actions.

This puts burdensome requirements on us, our family and our co-workers (Colossians 2:20-23). We are constantly stressed and worn out, and this adds to the negative atmosphere around us. Perfectionism and stress cause physical ailments. We spend too much time and money in doctor’s offices searching for a medical reason for our illness caused by perfectionism.

One great way to break this driving force is to start doing things less than perfectly. Allow the flatware in the drawer to slip to the side rather than insisting that it stay perfectly stacked. Stop using hair spray and allow your locks to dance with the wind (1 Peter 3:3-4). Wear shoes that do not perfectly match your outfit once in a while. Vacuum once a week rather than every day.

You get the idea. Stop attempting to perfect everything in your life. You will make so many other people happy and free, including yourself. If someone judges you for this deviation in perfection, that is their problem, not yours (1 John 4:18). If someone is upset because you are a few minutes late, this will free them from their perfectionism.

God wants to deliver us from this demonic oppression. We simply need to cooperate with Him to find our freedom. Do not hesitate to say, “No” to someone’s request, if it is not God’s Will. This gives someone else a chance to bless the person and to reap the blessing for themselves; and gives you some time to be still and know God more intimately (Psalm 46:10).

Father God, we allow so many issues and people to dictate our daily schedule instead of Your Holy Spirit. Remind us to seek Your will for each moment of our life, rather than to insist on our own agenda or to be a slave to someone else’s expectations (Proverbs 3:5-6; Ephesians 2:8-10). Help us to give others, whom we were attempting to control by our perfectionism, the ownership for their own lives. You make us perfect; it is not our job to perfect our self or anyone else around us (Psalm 18:23). We are confident that You started a perfecting work in our life and will complete it in Your way and timing (Philippians 1:6, 3:12; 2 Corinthians 7:1).

Thought for the Day:
Do not put an emphasis on perfectionism in this life, or you will be foolish, destroy yourself, be overworked and die before your time; the person who avoids extremes trust in the Lord. - Ecclesiastes 7:16:18; 1 Corinthians 13:6