Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Union with Christ - Rest for Our Soul

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As we set our mind on heavenly issues, the peace of God, that excels beyond all human comprehension, will rule and reign in and guard our heart (Philippians 4:7).

The mind of Christ maintains order and stability in our soul regardless of the physical issues we face. His perfect peace rules in our heart, and gives rest to our weary soul (Isaiah 26:3).

We keep our thoughts and feelings under subjection to God's Holy Spirit. We think only of the Kingdom of God, the works of Christ in His life on earth, and what He may want to accomplish through us during our lifetime.

Our spirit, body and soul - our thoughts, choices and feelings - align with the mind of Christ in our spirit. His will becomes our will, His desires are our desire and His purpose is our goal in life (1 Peter 1:13).

He gives us the faith of His Son, the power of His Spirit and the focus of His being within us. We take human conjecture off the throne of our life and exalt Jesus in every moment of our day (Proverbs 16:17).

The choices we make affect our actions. We will either follow our flesh, the world, the devil or God's Spirit in our thoughts, emotions, words and deeds (Galatians 5:15-25).

God gave us a free will to choose to follow Him or Satan's lies. Our free will cannot create or change the outcome of the choices of others, but we can allow God's Spirit to use us to influence those around us for His greater good.

Father God, You created us to depend on You and to allow Your predetermined will for our life to influence our actions (Ephesians 2:10). We are capable, however, of grieving Your Holy Spirit by following the dictates of our own choosing. Remind us of the fact that someone else's decisions are not our responsibility, but our response to them is; and in this, we find rest for our soul.

We share with others what we believe is the mind of Christ, but then, their choices are just that - their choice. They reap what they sow just like we do. We are all free to choose to live humanistically and to depend on our self and other people, instead of on You. This is ludicrous and self-defeating. Teach us that we are all dependent on Your love during this lifetime.

Thought for the Day:
God is ultimately still on His throne and has all things under His control (Romans 8:28); He puts His hook in our jaw, and draws us along to fulfill His will for our life (Ezekiel 38:4), but He never forces us to do anything that we choose not to do.