Wednesday, November 16, 2016

​Give Yourself to God

Green Lake Surrounded by Mountain

Give yourself first and completely to God. Do not give Him a few moments of devotion, but dedicate all of your day and night to Him.
Seek His direction at home, work, school and play. You will live in His peace and anointing, and will reap the joy and serenity He provides as you give yourself entirely to Him.

He will not grant all of your desires, He will not spare you from all of your trials and heartache, but He will always give you more and better than you could ever imagine.

As we simplify our life, we no longer buy what we do not need. We do not pay a monthly fee for a storage room that collects stuff we will never see again.

The more possessions we own, the more they own us. If we do not have room for it at home, we do not need it. The more we walk in the Spirit, the less time we have to walk in the flesh (Romans 5:16).

Without encumbering ties to this earth, we can consecrate our whole spirit, soul and body in service to King Jesus as we traverse through our day by the leading of God's Spirit.

Father God, the more control we attempt to maintain over life, the more problems we experience. Trouble seems to come in three's and gets totally out of our control more often than not. Yet, the more of our self we give to You, the less we have to worry about and attempt to control in our life. 

You sent Jesus to pay our sin debt and You gave us Your Spirit to lead us through every moment of our life. As we surrender control to You, and obey Your Spirit moment by moment without resisting; we reap the joy You have in store for us each and every day.

Thought for the Day:
Jesus died to give us eternal life in abundance now and for eternity; so the least we can do is to live our life for Him.