Saturday, March 4, 2017

Joyful Walk with the Lord

Sun Rays Goes Through Tree on Concrete Road

Due to Christ's sacrifice on the cross, we have an enduring possession in Heaven (Hebrews 10:34). However, we do not need to wait until Heaven to enjoy them. God showers us with His blessings daily.

This helps us to endure the negative emotions and circumstances, which Satan uses to harass our peace and joy. No trial is overwhelming, because we face it with the power of Christ in us.

We enter His rest and give Him total reign in our life. We stop making our own plans and surrender instead to His will for our life (Ephesians 2:10).

Once we change our attitude, and focus on Christ in us rather than on the details of our day, we live in God's peace and joy no matter what happens to us.

Our true home is Heaven, not this transitory life. Things here are passing away and do not really matter. We no longer work to amass worldly goods and it does not matter if we "keep up with our neighbor" in status, style and affluence.

We find our true peace under the shelter of His wings. No evil presence can shake us from this place of abiding in the presence of Christ within us. He is our peace and He breaks down every wall (Ephesians 2:11-22).

The more we totally surrender to God's will and the direction of His Holy Spirit, the more capable we are to meet the challenges of daily living. We walk in His will rather than struggle with an uphill climb of our own making.

Father God, because of Jesus' sacrifice on Calvary's cross, our past is forgiven, our wounds are healed, we forgive the perpetrators of evil in our life, and we also forgive our self for our choices that opened us up to evil's presence in our life.

You teach us to set boundaries to keep our self relatively free from future intrusions, and we do nothing without first consulting You for Your wisdom and will. This guarantees that You direct all of our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). We live for You and accept Your perfect will for us with Your joy and glory filling our hearts (1 Peter 1:8).

Thought for the Day:
We live according to the advice of God's Holy Word, which releases the spiritual energy of Christ who is abiding inside of us; this healing, loving power effects our spirit, body and soul, and infects every area of our life.