Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The God of Second Chances

Green Grass Field and Green Tress during Day Time

At the end of this age - the age of the Gentiles, or the Church Age as it is also called - we will meet Jesus in the air and attend our wedding feast to our best friend, brother, co-heir, Savior and King.

At this time, the Jews will receive a second chance to come to Christ by faith. The 144,000 (or two sets of 144,000, depending on your Biblical interpretation) will go out into the nations of the world and share the gospel of Christ with His chosen people.

Many will come to faith in Christ, but many will continue to stubbornly reject Him and His cleansing work on Calvary's cross. They will blindly follow the anti-Christ and continue to live in strong delusion.

God always gives us second chances and this is just one example of His mercy, patience and grace to all men of every nation, tribe and tongue. As we humbly recognize our need for a Savior, we call on Him and He answers us.

He shows us great and mighty things, which we never before dreamed were possible (Jeremiah 33:3). Eventually all Believers will rule and reign with Jesus for eternity (2 Timothy 2:12).

God's Spirit does His sanctifying work in us and we mature slowly until we completely surrender our self and our plans for our life, and embrace God's perfect will for us instead.

Once we experience the joys of living under the shadow of His wings, we will wonder why we stubbornly clung to our puny human goals and standards.

We will question our sanity for resisting His unconditional love for so much of our life. We readily exchange our broken life for His eternal life; and we will reap the benefits of His great love, protection and will for us, both individually and corporately as His adopted children.

Father God, when we finally submit to Your plans for our life, we will flourish under Your direction and finally walk in Your ways (Ephesians 2:10). Under Your guidance, we will change our world one person at a time.

Keep us ever vigilant to walk in Your Spirit each moment of the day so that we do not miss Your divine appointments for us to share Your life and Your Word with those You bring our way. Remind us that even when we fail, You give us second chances through Your mercy and grace.

Thought for the Day:
We may never be world famous or have this world's goods, but we will be a child of the King and have an abundance of every good and perfect gift which comes from our Father above. - James 1:17