Monday, March 13, 2017

Preach the Gospel at All Times: If Necessary, Use Words

Green Succulent Plant

When we admit our sin and our need for a Savior, God adopts us into His family. He roots us as branches to His Vine: and He establishes us in His love, which rises above all human emotion and understanding.

God's love has nothing to do with romance, passion, fondness or fickle human feelings. Over the years of our walk with the Lord, we - as His holy people - learn to grasp the fullness of that love, which transcends human emotion and has four dimensions.

God's Agape love has depth, width, length and height. It is full and deep and satisfying. We find our true fulfillment in His abundant love for us as His children. Daily, He showers us with His rich blessings.

Out of Christ's glorious riches, He strengthens us by the power of His Holy Spirit, which dwells in our inner spirit. As an authentic Believer in Jesus Christ, we receive the blessing of Christ abiding within us through faith (Ephesians 3:14-19).

With salvation comes the gift of faith to accomplish all that God calls us to do in our lifetime (Matthew 17:20). God taught me that faith joins together with our works and our works make our faith perfect (James 2:22).

God's Spirit anoints us with gifts and talents to use in service to our King Jesus. My natural talents are in the area of crafts. I love to do anything that involves string and a needle, or paper and glue, or wire and glass beads.

In 1969 when I came to Christ, I pondered how He would use this passion for His glory and to grow His Kingdom. Then He gave me a pattern for our Children's church to use to make "Wordless Book" bracelets. ( )

The children and students in our church family used these bracelets to witness to their friends about what Christ meant to them and how Jesus wanted to save their friends too.

Father God, You have a perfect plan for the life of every human being ever born (Ephesians 2:10). We stray so far from Your purpose for us and we devise our own plans for our life, which rarely ever succeed. We spin our wheels and meet devastation and loss every place we turn.

Yet when we walk in Your ways, we not only please You, but we reap the blessings of walking in Your Spirit. We find health and fulfillment in our body soul and spirit. We enjoy the blessings of Your Kingdom both now and in eternity.

Thought for the Day:
When God calls us, we have little more than genuine trust in Him; yet, over the years, we realize that we can do anything that God calls us to do, because the Trinity abides within us.