Friday, March 26, 2021

Self-centered People

Sunset over Snow Covered Mountains


When we try to explain to someone how their behavior makes us feel, they usually get instantly defensive, accuse us of doing worse things toward them than they ever did regarding us, and they adopt an attitude of resentment and anger toward us and often hold a grudge.


They defend their rights, make excuses for their poor judgment, feel like we are taking their motives out of context, and believe that we are abusing, neglecting and misunderstanding them. It is easy to fall into Satan’s trap of the “blame game.” We easily give-in to his temptations to sin against God, others and even our self.


These people see things from their own point of view and refuse to entertain thoughts that they may be at fault in some situation. They get irritable, critical, angry, and cause further pain to those who love them more than we love our own self. They adopt a prideful attitude and refuse to pray together about alternative behavior.


They fail to see God’s grace working in another’s life, because satanic lies are quick to point out to us another’s faults and irritating qualities. They get too busy with their own lifestyle to develop a caring relationship, and they focus more on their own goals and agenda than on spending time cherishing someone else.


They fill up their time with busyness and end up neglecting their relationships with others. They want to feel productive all the time, and they forget to “chill”, relax, and live in the moment. They have no concept on how to make someone else feel cherished, special, like they really matter, or to affirm them. In fact, they do not feel like they really matter either.


The sad fact is that the world is full of people who care more about their self than anyone else. They have a shallow relationship with God, and they are not interested in changing their attitude, behavior or becoming more Christ-like. If we can share the love of God with these individuals, we may make an eternal difference in them.



Father God, this world is full of broken people who perpetuate their wounds by inflicting them on others. The world needs more love, sweet love, and it is up to Your children to share Your love with everyone that You bring into our life. We do not need to change their life by dedicating our self to them, but simply by making our self available to Your Spirit’s guidance as we interact with them.


We look forward to Your return to set the world in its proper order with Jesus as King and all of us as joint-heirs with Him of Your Kingdom. We look forward to no more trials, pain, sorrow, suffering or negative issues involving our spirit, soul or body. Your ways are higher than our ways, and Your Truth sets us free from the bondages of this life.


Thought for the Day:

A loveless heart is not only void of fulfillment and Godly purpose, but real value and meaning; it is only as we totally surrender to the pre-arranged will of God for our life that we find more serenity, joy and love than is possible on this earth through any other source.

- Ephesians 2:10