Thursday, April 7, 2022

God Preserves the Righteous

 Magnolia Trees, Springtime, Pink Flowers



God is always merciful and provides for His children. We are blessed beyond our wildest imaginations by His loving kindness. He exhorts us to flee from evil and to do good as we dwell under the safety of His wings. He is righteous; and therefore, He judges righteously, and He never forsakes His Saints because He preserves us forever (Psalm 37:23-26).


He teaches us to speak wisdom and to live purely. This prevents us from reaping the inherent judgement that follows sinful, carnal, and self-centered behavior. He writes His laws on our heart, prevents our feet from slipping down the slope of temptation, and He teaches us His ways (Psalm 37:27-34). 


With Jesus, we will inherit all that belongs to our Father God as we dwell with Him throughout eternity. As we mature spiritually, God teaches us how to follow His peace and to stop listening to our own futile human understanding, which causes us to spin our wheels, but get nowhere in life. 


We make no more “pro-con” lists, but we sit quietly in His presence as we listen to the direction of the Spirit of God. Life is so much less stressful, we make better choices, and even when things do not make human sense, we see the "why's" in the long run because of His abundant blessings on our life. 


One case in point was when my husband and I traded in our mini-van for a 6-cylinder car. It was a huge decision because we felt led to use our retirement funds to pay cash for the vehicle. Though it is much smaller than our van, it has many safety features that we needed during yearly winter weather in the Heartland, and since gas prices are going up $.50 a day here, we are also saving so much money on fuel costs. 



Father God, thank You for always being on our side. We have nothing to fear as we follow Your perfect plans for our life. There is no trial that will not eventually turn out providing us with a miracle in our life (Psalm 118:6). Remind us not to despise Your chastening as You keep our feet from slipping off Your straight and narrow road and on to the wide road of destruction (Matthew 7:13). 


We never get weary of Your loving discipline because we know that it is for our benefit, and You always delight Your children (Proverbs 3:11-12). Help us in our times of infirmity and our temptations from iniquity. Remind us of our burdens for the lost, imprisoned, and people groups around the world that are unreached with the freeing Gospel of Jesus Christ. We love You with our whole heart, and we trust You to lead us in all our ways.


Thoughts for the Day:

The Lord is our ever-present help and supply, and He saves us because of His abundant mercy and love for us. Nothing can ever separate authentic Born Again Believers from His love, which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord and King – not natural pestilences, death, negative incidents in life, demonic warfare, governmental powers, current evils and trials or those catastrophes to come, nor height, depth, nor created beings will ever rob us of His compassion and care for us.

- Psalm 109:26, Romans 8:38-39