Sunday, October 5, 2014

God's Purposes in Trying Times

Have you noticed the slow deterioration of life, as we know it? Governments, financial affairs, justice, personal commitments, geography and climate are all failing. What hope does mankind have of surviving into eternity? There is only one sure hope and that is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

The coming of God's Kingdom is just around the corner. We are only ready to enter into it if we realize how intensely our fleshly indulgences grieve God's heart and that we need a Savior. God offers us His free gift of salvation. We simply admit that we are sinners, turn away from our selfish lifestyle and turn to follow Jesus.

There is an unprecedented time of intense suffering coming to the world. Yet, God is not willing for anyone to perish (2 Peter 3:9). He offers His ark of salvation for anyone who is willing to come aboard (Matthew 24:37). Like Jesus, we live to serve our living God. We dedicate our life to wholly yield to Him our thoughts, words and deeds.

Sometimes, we have to realize that the "prince of Persia" is hindering God's answer to our prayers, and intense spiritual warfare is going on (Daniel 10:13). That is what my husband and I experienced when we followed God's direction to sell our little brick, cottage home and to pay cash for a manufactured home in order to get out of debt.

It started with my six weeks of bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurisy. Then, we moved into a new home with termites, leaking roof, A/C breaking down every other week and a bank that had way too many hoops to jump through to refinance our former home as a rental. However, God is always the victor.

Today, He is blessing three of His families with our former home, and we started a Bible study group in our new mission field in our new community. We also have a growing number of new neighbors attending our church with us. God delights in blessing His children. He uses us in ways that we could never imagine and He always sweetens the bitter lemons of circumstances into lemonade (Romans 8:28)!

Father God, remind us that we need to confess with our mouth that "Jesus is Lord," and to sincerely believe in our heart that You raised him from the dead. Then we are justified and reconciled to You for eternity (Romans 10:9-10). Give us a revelation of Your Kingdom so that we may advance its reach and prepare for its coming to the earth. 

Help us to have a heart for the lost that are heading for an eternity in hell. Give us opportunities to share Your love with those willing to hear Your Truth. May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is already done in heaven (Matthew 6:10).

Thought for the Day:
I am loving life in God's presence, regardless of the circumstances.