Jesus Christ provided for a way for us to enjoy the glories
of Heaven (John 6:44; Acts 4:12, 16:30-31). He is
the only way for us to receive redemption. That is why Christians are always
sharing the good news of the Gospel of Christ. We may get on someone's nerves,
but we share God's Truth for their benefit, not our own. We are already Born
Again and our place in Heaven is already reserved.
What about your place in Heaven? Have you repented of your
sins and asked Jesus to be your personal Savior (John 3:16)? Have
you surrendered your life to His redeeming grace and realized the benefits of
living in His family now and forever? There are multiple ways to enter
eternity, but only one leads to Heaven; all the rest lead to hell (John 3:18).
Satan is very cunning. He appears as an angel of light and
he perverts God's truth to his own advantage. He wants to take Jesus' place as
King of the universe. He already rebelled against God and lost his place in
heaven (Isaiah 14:12-14). Now he is the "god" of
this world and he wants to stay that way (2 Corinthians 4:4). He fills
the world with his lies in order to take as many people to hell with him as he
can (John 8:44; Romans 1:25).
If you reject Jesus as your Savior and remain as an unbeliever,
living in unbelief and sinful pursuits, you will never see God (Revelation
21:7-8). If you admit that you are a sinner, regret your sinful
lifestyle, choose to live according to Biblical principles, ask Jesus to cover
you with His precious blood, and place your faith in God's faithfulness, you
will enjoy the blessings as a co-heir with Jesus of God's Kingdom (Romans
Father God, I come to You in Jesus' name to acknowledge
that I am a sinner. I am as grieved over my past lifestyle as You are. I want
to turn from a life of sin and self-reliance, and live according to Your
Biblical principles.
Thank You for sending Jesus to die for me and to pay the
penalty of my sin debt to You. I believe that You raised Jesus from the dead
and that He now sits at Your right hand. I want to take advantage of Your grace
and to live a life of purity and truth.
I will serve You in gratitude for the many blessings You
provide for me throughout my lifetime. In Jesus' name and for His glory. Amen.
Thought for the Day:
Once we place our full trust in Him and His promises, God
keeps us in His hands and never forsakes us. - John 6:37, 10:28-29; Hebrews