Wednesday, March 25, 2015

God's Plan for the Ages

Society today scoffs at Believers in the same way that people in Noah’s day mocked him (Matthew 24:37). God’s mercy and grace have dealt with mankind since the beginning of time. However, if we reject God’s call to repentance, He will pour out His righteous wrath on our sin, rebellion and pride.

God gives us His precise timeline in His Word, which includes detailed information from Genesis to Revelation. These specifics alert us to His plan, which is unfolding throughout world history, as well as in current events. These prophetic words warn us of both coming destruction and Godly deliverance, which awaits us in the near future.

God’s final judgment on the nations and the devil is called the Great Tribulation (Revelation 5:17). God even gives a specific timeline of events during the Great Tribulation period, as a warning of His coming judgment (Revelation 10:1-7). God uses this time to accomplish three main purposes: To judge unrighteous nations, to save those in Israel who are willing to believe, and to end Satan’s dominion on the earth, which Adam and Eve relinquished to him in the Garden of Eden.

Repenting of our sins and trusting in Jesus Christ allows Believers to escape the terrible Day of the Lord and to enjoy eternity as the Bride of Jesus and co-heirs with Christ in the Kingdom of God (Joel 2:31). As we put our trust in the Lord, we can draw near to His presence continually throughout the day; and experience, as well as share with those in need, the miracles He provides through every trial we ever encounter ((2 Corinthians 1:3-4; Psalm 73:28).

Father God, we suffer now on this planet because of the sin rampant in the world; however, You always make all things beautiful in Your time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). We know that You work out everything for the good of those who are called according to Your eternal purpose and who love and obey You (Romans 8:28). We bless You, Lord, for Your mercies and comfort, even in our tribulation in this present age. You are our refuge and our strength in any time of trouble; therefore, we have no need to fear (Psalm 46:1-2).

Thought for the Day:
God’s plan for the ages is amazing and brings us to our knees in humility and gratitude.