Saturday, March 21, 2015

Victory Regardless of Trials

Biblical guidelines help to establish a routine in our life, which encourages wisdom and safety. Prior to our relationship with Christ, our spirit was dead in sin and our soul was carnal at best. Our body reaped the negative results of our sins and we were children of God’s wrath (Ephesians 2:1-3). Satan used us as tools for his evil plans (Proverbs 16:18).

If we continue to practice a sinful lifestyle or to maintain a worldly attitude and world view, the Spirit of God does not dwell in us (Romans 8:9). We are not truly Born Again. We prayed a prayer, but did not consecrate our life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. God only forgives the repentant heart of the penalty of our sins. He brings us out of the kingdom of Satan’s darkness into His glorious light (2 Corinthians 4:6).

Our only true liberty comes by choosing to live under the grace and mercy of God. Jesus advises us to deny our self, to bear our burdens through His peace and to follow Him (Matthew 16:24). When we do, we find true success in our life and live victoriously over every set back and obstacle (Romans 8:31-39). God showers us with His blessings and we feel His love flowing over us like a waterfall.

Authentic Believers derive our identity from the fact that we are God’s child, as well as from the wonderful account of His love for us. The human, Adamic nature is wiped clean and we no longer dwell in the flesh or focus on aspects of this world. Once we come to Christ, He replaces our former carnal tendencies with His divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). Through His regenerating power within us, we live a life honoring Him and furthering His Kingdom on the earth.

Father God, increase our concept of what it means to live in Christ and to dwell in victory regardless of the trials in our life. We are secure in Your love and mercy. Remind us that our husband, Jesus Christ, desires a pure and holy bride without spot or wrinkle (2 Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 5:25). You provide Your grace so that we will choose holiness and not live a destructive life of debauchery and lust.

Thought for the Day:
As authentic Believers, nothing will ever separate us from the love of God as we live a victorious life in Christ. – Romans 8:38-39