Although we feel like every trial is the end
of our life, we can walk through each one of them with courage, because God’s
future plan for us is just on the other side of this mountain. We need the
experience of this current ordeal in order to face what lies ahead. Our faith
in God’s faithfulness is strengthened by every negative aspect in our life,
because He delivers us from them all (Psalm 34:19).
We enjoy our powerful hope because of God’s
wisdom and goodness. Although we know that in this world we surely will
experience tribulation, He goes through every one of them with us, and He
already overcame every trial known to mankind (John 16:33; Hebrews 4:15).
Each negative aspect we experience will turn out for our ultimate good and also
conforms us into the likeness of Christ (Romans 8:28-29).
Our Father God is in complete control of our
life. Nothing happens to us that is not already part of His plan for us. This
is true, even when we reap the negative consequences of our foolish behavior,
because He knew what we would do before we were even born (Ephesians 2:10).
In fact, He loved us even while we were still sinners, although each sinful
choice we made broke His heart (Romans 5:8).
God no longer sees our past sins, but the
blood of Christ and His love, which covers a multitude of our sins (1 Peter 4:8).
We no longer suffer condemnation for our sins, because we are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).
As Believers, we are the Bride of Christ and we look forward to the marriage
supper of the Lamb as His beloved spouse (Revelation 19:1-10).
Father God, thank You for using the negative
aspects of life to strengthen us for future ordeals and to draw us closer to
You. Remind us that You will never leaving us alone, because You live within us
and accomplishing all things through us (Hebrews 13:5; Philippians 4:13). We
rest in the fact that You are in complete control and nothing will occur in our
life, which is not in Your perfect will for us.
Thought for the Day:
We may foolishly make our own plans for our
day, but God always directs our steps. – Proverbs 16:9