Thursday, March 3, 2016

On Mission for Christ

The church is not a building, a social club or a charitable organization. It is a world-wide Body of Believers with various functions on Mission for Christ. We each have an appointed job to do for the glory of our King (Ephesians 2:10, 4:1).

We are not on this earth to amass worldly goods, but to be a missionary for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God may give us the ability to acquire money, but it is to use for His Kingdom rather than our own pleasures.

Are you going to the grocery store? There is a divine appointment waiting for you there. Are you attending a ball game for one of your children or grandchildren? God has someone there who needs the Christ in you.

Our place of employment, neighborhood and community are our mission field. If nothing else, we can hand out our Sunday bulletin and invite someone to join us next week for a service.

If our focus is inward, our ministry team or church will self-destruct. We will develop an exclusivity mentality where other people are not welcome and growth of any kind is resisted. Backbiting, gossip and disgruntlement will grow.

Petty differences and self-centered desires will take the place of God's will for our church. We become at ease in Zion (Amos 6:1). We push God and His purposes right out of our church life, as well as our personal life.

We spend more money and time on our own pursuits than on God's calling for our life. Our focus is on having a good time and being happy rather than laying down our life and taking up our daily cross (1 John 3:16; Luke 9:23).

Our eternal reward is limited because we only seek our own pleasure during this lifetime. We want nothing to do with sacrifice or doing anything hard or unpleasant for the Lord. We might contribute toward paying for someone else to do the disagreeable chores, but we cannot be bothered.

Each small group in the Church, each ministry group like singles, seniors, or men's or women's Bible study needs a mission, as well as a time of fellowship and outings to enjoy each other's company. Let's consult God in all we say and do (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Father God, give us a heart of flesh in place of our heart of stone (Ezekiel 36:26). Make us a Kingdom-minded army of Believers who would rather serve You and share our testimony and Your Word with the world around us than to seek this world's riches and pleasures for our own benefit.

Prick our conscience when we get off track and focus on our self, our next vacation or the purchase of our next expensive toy; so that we do not lose our heavenly rewards. If we do not obey Your will for our life, we will have no spiritual fruit or righteous deeds. We will stand naked and ashamed at our wedding feast with King Jesus (Revelation 3:18, 19:8)

Thought for the Day:
Christ is our whole life (Colossians 3:4); so, develop a mission-minded purpose for your life and pursue the things of God rather than what the flesh, the world and the devil have to offer; the good things in life rob us of the rewards we would receive if we focused instead on the best things, which God calls us to do.