Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Seize the Moment Now

Green Grass

Jesus promised that we will definitely have trials in our life. This sounds sadistic until we realize that we can always find His joy in the midst of them. This occurs because He already overcame the trials and He lives within us (John 16:33).

There is a seed for a miracle buried within every negative circumstance we experience. Trials increase our faith and teach us patience, so that patience can have her perfecting work in our life (James 1:4-8).

When we are too stubborn and rebellious to obey God's principles, or when we use no initiative to obey what He already told us to do, we will never reach the spiritual maturity that Christ wants for us.

Yet, in our obedience, God uses us to bring His light into the world around us. We shine like a city sitting up on a hill (Matthew 5:14), a beacon in the dark world surrounding us.

We do not have to wait until we finish college, move to our dream town, marry the perfect mate, have our first child or start working in the vocation we have always wanted in order to shine for the Lord.

He ordained that we live in the moment, with the provision He planned for us before we were even born (Psalm 139:13-14), and to feel His peace and joy in each moment of time regardless of the circumstances (John 14:27).

His will for us is to influence those around us who are in desperate need of the Gospel, by showing them what God can do in our life and our attitude regardless of our trials.

Father God, we know that we can never inherit Heaven on our own good behavior or any multitude of works done in Your name. We fall short of your divine standard every time (Romans 3:23). All of our holiness is nothing but filthy rags. It is only through Jesus Christ that we can please You, because He paid the penalty of our sins and gives us His righteousness in exchange (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Help us to joy in our salvation, to serve You with gladness, and to prove our love to You by our obedience to Your daily direction of our thoughts, words and actions (John 14:15-31). Our trials teach us humility, build our faith and remind us that our true treasure is in Christ who abides within us and gives us the hope that we will live in Your glory now and forever.

Thought for the Day:
Trusting in God's faithfulness allows us to face every trial and persecution with joy rather than fear, depression and resentment; as we draw near to God, move away from sin's temptation, and resist the devil, he will have to flee from us. 
- Proverbs 3:5-6