God is interested in what we eat and drink, (1 Corinthians 10: 31), He is
certainly also interested in what we do and when we do it, even it is merely
what we eat for dinner.
God's will during every decision He calls us to make insures our success in
that endeavor. When we finish one task, we pray about what to do next.
without ceasing for God’s direction for each moment of our day allows the Holy
Spirit to guide and direct our steps. Then, we can ask His help in
whatever He directs us to do.
Serenity Prayer is very popular among self-help groups, but it is a blue print
for walking in the wisdom of Proverbs 3:5-6. It teaches us that we can hear God’s desire for every situation in our life.
It also teaches us that
if we cannot deal with our circumstances as they arise, we can put them in
God’s capable hands before we go on to the next moment.
This practice keeps us
from borrowing trouble from tomorrow ad from worrying about the future. We experience
each moment fully and deliberately with thought, prayer and purpose.
we can do something to change our situation, we do it. If we cannot affect the
issues, we turn them completely over to God.
give everything about the matter over to God, as well as all of the natural
consequences of those issues. Then, we go about our day in the peace of God
that passes all human understanding.
God, thank You for giving us the wisdom to know what
situations we can change, and which to leave in Your hands. Give us the
strength to deal with the issues that You reveal are our responsibility, and
help us to turn the rest over to You. We ask You to help us to develop an
attitude of acceptance about them.
If we cannot change
them, then we will praise You for them, in them, and through
them, even for the negative things. By doing this, we will end up walking in
complete serenity and in the dynamic power of Your Holy Spirit. We pray that You
will fill us through all of our being with all of Your fullness, and that we may
have the richest measure of Your presence and become a body, which is
completely filled with Your Trinity (Ephesians 3:19, Amplified).
for the Day:
Serenity Prayer: “Father, grant me the patience to accept the
things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom
to know the difference.”