Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Heart of a Child

Red Yellow and Orange Flower Field

Jesus instructed us that the only way to enter the Kingdom of heaven is to first humble our self and learn to view life as a little child (Matthew 18:3). Does this mean that we throw temper tantrums, insist on not sharing our 'toys' and rebel against parental authority? No, of course not.

Jesus is exhorting us to maintain that wide-eyed innocence and delight in the simple pleasures of life. Did you ever buy your child an expensive toy that was all the rage; only to have them throw the toy aside and play with the box?

That is what Jesus implied. He was appalled that so many Saints were "maturing" and leaving the elementary principles of the faith. He even gave us stories in His Word documenting children and their simplistic trust in Him (1 Samuel 3:10; Luke 2:40-52).

As we simplify our life and rid our schedule of so many details that keep us from communing with Our Father, walking in His Spirit and obeying His Word, we find our intimacy with Him growing more intense and more deeply than ever before.

Worldly distractions detract from our childlike faith and trust in God. Continuing to delight in the first flowers of Spring, the giggle of a little baby, the buzz of bees in the grass, the songs of birds in the trees, the antics of a pet, family and friends, shapes in the clouds, dolphin frolicking in the waves, etc. keeps our heart young and our trust in God faithful and true.

Father God, help us to simplify our life each day, even in the middle of our adult responsibilities, so that we relate to You as our Father. We want to walk as obedient children and we look forward to inheriting Your Kingdom with our Brother and Savior, Jesus, the Christ.

Prevent us from getting so calloused that we harden our heart toward the simple pleasures of life, so that we, more and more, desire the trappings of this world in our attempt to be happy. Our relationship with You is what provides us with true joy and peace, because Your love pours over us constantly as a waterfall that has no end for its supply.

Thought for the Day:
The cares of our adult life usually rob us of the simple joys that God provides for us each day; only little children notice them and thank God for them, growing deeper in their love for their Savior, as well as their innocence and simplicity.