Monday, September 10, 2018

In the Presence of Jehovah

Red Green and Orange Leaves

It is possible to live in the presence of our Supreme God each moment of the day. Some people say that they do not feel God's presence with them, their prayers bounce off the ceiling unanswered, and they feel abandoned by their Savior.

There are several reasons for this malady. Maybe you are not truly converted, because you got convicted and prayed a prayer, but you did not truly believe. You are the same person that you have always been, and the Holy Spirit has not done any sanctifying work in your life.

Another reason may be that you are Born Again, but you are believing Satan's lies (1 Peter 5:8). He whispered some reasonable sounding thought in your mind, you entertained that thought, and succumbed to his deception (Luke 4:13). ( )

Or maybe you are living for yourself rather than for God, and you are spending all your time, resources and energy to further your kingdom on this earth (Haggai 1:4). Are you neglecting times in worship and Bible study, allowing various duties to rob you?

Even if we do not feel Jehovah's presence, however, He is always within us (Galatians 2:20). As we focus less on our circumstances and more on Christ in us, we have hope of God's provision for our life (Colossians 1:27). We praise Him for the good and the bad times (Philippians 4:4-8).

God is not our Aladdin's Lamp to grant our wishes or to do our bidding. He is our Sovereign Lord and Benevolent Father. Jesus is in us and with us, surrounding us with His unconditional love and blessings (Matthew 28:20; Romans 8:35-39).

As we seek first His Kingdom, God provides what we need when we need it (Matthew 6:33). Jesus constantly intercedes for us to our Father (Hebrews 7:25), and is working out everything for our ultimate good (John 5:17; Romans 8:28).

Father God, remind us not to blame You, when we do not feel Your presence with us, but to take an inventory of our own thoughts, feelings, words and deeds to see what is blocking our connection with You (Ephesians 4:30-31). Help us to be honest about our relationship with You. Are we truly Born Again? Reveal to us the lies of the devil that we believe, when we should cling to Your Word instead.

Create a sanctified heart in us, restore to us the joy of our salvation, and renew our spirit's connection with Your Spirit (Psalm 51:10). Help us to follow the guidance of Your Spirit throughout our day, to submit to His guidance and to live in the center of Your will for each moment of our day. Thank You for moving into our life and never leaving or abandoning us (Hebrews 13:5).

Thought for the Day:
When the circumstances in our life turn ugly and our trials overwhelm us, we can be sure that Jesus is always with us and in us, until He comes again to take us to be with Him in Paradise forever. 
- Matthew 28:20; John 14:3; Luke 23:43