Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Peace, Joy and Confidence

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How often do we allow life to distract us from walking in the center of God's will for our life? If we do not continually consult Him each moment of the day (Proverbs 3:5-6), we will absolutely get sidetracked, and suffer the consequences of our negligence.

We end up disgruntled and pessimistic, with our mind on things of this world, rather than on God (Ephesians 4:29; Philippians 2:14-15).  In an attempt to mend our soul, we struggle with discontentment, and we are tempted to use retail therapy, extreme sports, binging on food, etc. 

Jesus admonishes us to love our Lord God with our whole heart, soul and mind (Matthew 22:37-38). When we do this, there is no more room for our affections to wander in other directions. We enter God's rest and find freedom in His love.

Taking a mental, emotional and physical inventory of what is going on in us throughout the day is a very healthy practice. We take care of our physical needs, bring our negative emotions to God for healing, and redirect our attention to God's Spirit.

When we focus on the trials, we lose faith; but when we keep our eyes on Jesus, we are confident and full of peace and joy. He leads us through troubled waters, wild tempests, and dark trails that leave us hurting and bewildered, unless we keep our trust in Him.

Our Lord God is with us and in us every moment of our day. He is our Mighty Fortress who protects us, our strong Warrior who delivers us, and our Heavenly Father who delights in us. He actually rejoices over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17).

Father God, thank You for never abandoning us for even one minute of time. We rest in Your love, revel in Your peace, and find Your joy all throughout the day. Thank You for teaching us to recognize Your voice when You speak to us, so that we can abide in Your perfect will for our life.

We totally trust You to help us to have victory over deadly distractions and to teach us to avoid them, so that we do not reap destruction. Thank You for convicting us when we are wrong, and encouraging us when we are in the center of Your will. We are so grateful to You for your loving kindness, mercy, and grace that keep us in perfect unity with Your Trinity throughout our life.

Thought for the Day:
God is faithful to keep us on the straight and narrow path that leads us into His presence, to help us to understand His Truth, to walk in His ways, and to help us to lead others to the saving knowledge of His love and grace for us all.