Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Mindfulness in the Moment

Red Leaf Trees Near the Road

Many people are so mindful about meeting everyone else's needs that they ignore their own needs. This behavior diminishes our physical health, ruins our soul's condition by entertaining resentment and/or anger and eventually bitterness, and taints our spiritual discernment.

Due to these intense negative feelings, we slip into compulsive, neurotic behavior without even being aware of why we are acting this way. We end up unloading all of that negative emotion on the people we care about the most.

If not arrested, this negative spiral will turn into a tornado of thoughts that feed attitudes, which fuel behavior in ways that make no sense to us at all. These thoughts are usually halfway concocted from our personal insecurities, and the other half come from Satan's lies.

We form bad habits to protect our soul from hurt, afraid to trust anyone too much, skeptical and cynical of other people. Experts tell us that habits can be changed within a three week period.

We make a concentrated effort to do the opposite of what we have always done. We are mindful now of our own needs in each moment of the day. When we trip up and resort to our prior behavior, then we admit our mistake, apologize and try again.

Caring for our own needs, rather than expecting someone else to meet them, will save us from destroying our relationships and our own health. We can start by doing one kind action for our self each day; then we increase the amount of our self-care from there.

When we experience the multitude of ways that God starts to meet our needs, from the moment we make the commitment not to put unnecessary expectations on others, we will feel a deep sense of joy from His obvious love and care for us.

Father God, we often have discouragement from Satan when we purpose in our heart to change our negative behavior to more constructive conduct. Remind us that in our times of vulnerability, we can pray, journal or talk to a confidante about our true feelings. Help us to realize that it is not fair or righteous to expect others to meet our needs, and we can trust that You want what is best for us.

Sometimes, what is best will make us sad, until we come to see that You meant it for our good (Genesis 50:20). We trust You, and praise You for Your involvement in our personal, individual life. Remind us to trust in Your goodness and to believe that You have our best interest in Your plans. You never leave or forsake us, and we give You all of the glory and praise for who we are, what we have and where we are going.

Thought for the Day:
Self-care is such a foreign topic in Christian circles, because God's Word encourages us to die to our self and to put others first; both of these facts are true, but they do not negate our need to meet our own legitimate needs as well, rather than expecting others to do so. 
- John 5:17