For years, I have been reading about the way that the microbes in our gut influence every part of our existence. There are many benefits to increasing healthy microbes. These tiny elements even regulate our inclination toward obesity. Our diet also determines the type of bacteria in our gastroenterological organs.
These microbes then influence the progress or damage in our brain and our neurological functions. They do this by the production of molecules and hormones that influence our immune system and affect our body and our soul – our thoughts, emotions, and choices.
The microbes help to break down complex carbohydrates in order to produce the needed fatty acid butyrate that affects the strength of our blood-brain-microbe connection, or that contribute to certain diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, autism disorders, neurodevelopment in the young, health of our fatty sheathing that insulates our nerve fibers, dry eye syndrome, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, alopecia hair loss, lupus, and many other issues.
Caring for the temple of God’s Spirit, which is our body (1 Corinthians 6:19), allows us to function in better physical health as well as optimal psychological function. In our world, building a healthy meal is difficult because we need to alter our diet to only eating whole, healthy foods; however, the effort pays off in better health and fewer medical and medication bills.
God created our body to respond to chemical-free foods and to heal itself in many cases when we rid our lifestyle of the toxicity which overwhelms our organs and bodily functions and causes illnesses. Functional Medical Doctors are amazingly discovering that the sources of many illnesses start with our gastroenterological system; therefore, keeping that in balance helps the rest of our body to flourish in health.
Father God, scientists for centuries attempt to create human life in their laboratory. However, in spite of the advances in technology and highly intelligent people, these efforts fail time and time again. Many atheists and agnostics adhere to theories such as evolution, which still, after all these years, has a missing link. They are so prideful and rebellious that they mindlessly determine that there is no God by clinging to their belief that some unknown gas resulted in the origin of life.
These failed attempts demonstrate that You, our Higher Power, are responsible for the origin of life on planet earth. Although scientists constantly discover evidence of the phenomenon of Your intricate weaving of all the details of the universe to support life, atheists and agnostics refuse to consider this practical proof of Your existence (Psalm 104:26; Genesis 1:31). They seal the doom of their eternal destination by their unbelief (John 3:18). Thank You for leading so many humble hearts on the road of reality to meet You and to enjoy Your blessings, protection, principles, provision, and presence as reality.
Thoughts for the Day:
Many modern scientists today are embracing the truth of God’s existence based on the research done by noted Christian scientists and researchers. They claim that since the universe had a beginning and a cause, and has such detailed symmetry and order, that this implies that the “Intelligent Designer” of the universe is a comprehensive and steady force, which the Bible calls God.
- Genesis 1:1; Psalm 90:2; Isaiah 40:28; Job 38-41; Malachi 3:6; James 1:17; Hebrews 13:8